Stay safe in the cloud
Maintain oversight, control, and compliance of all your data
See every cloud app
Use a single dashboard to view and control it all
Control your cloud data
Streamline and tighten security with powerful tools
Keep pace with regulations
Stay ahead of evolving industry standards and rules
Next-level cloud protection
Get granular control in the cloud with CASB
Take data protection to the next level
Our Cybersecurity’s CASB ensures your data remains secure from unauthorized users.
CASB can enforce a range of security policies, including access control based on contextual variables—including role, device type, device protection status, and geography—and can extend protection across the cloud. It can be configured to enforce encryption or tokenization practices and support enhanced authentication practices and integration with technology like single sign on (SSO) and identity and access management (IAM) platforms.
Maintain oversight of every cloud app
CASB provides insight, alerts, and reporting into both in-bound and out-bound cloud activity. This includes visibility into which cloud services are being used, who is using them, what content is being sent and stored in the cloud, and whether security policies are being followed in the process.
Our Cybersecurity lets you gain centralized visibility and connect users directly to the cloud with consistent, best-in-class security and compliance.
Adapt to changing rules without a hitch
One cost of doing business anywhere via the cloud is the responsibility of staying compliant—wherever business takes you.
We make cloud compliance simple by giving your risk and compliance personnel granular reporting, enabling them to track how regulated data is stored across various cloud services. The level of detail provided makes it easy to prove to auditors whether cloud data handling and encryption practices for personally identifiable information meet compliance requirements for regulations wherever you do business.
Enforce security policies effortlessly
As part of its powerful cloud oversight, CASB can prove essential for implementing access control that’s based on contextual variables, such as role, device type, device protection status, location, and more. Our Cybersecurity’s CASB can be configured to enforce encryption or token recognition, and can support enhanced authentication practices and integrate with technology such as single sign-on or identity and access management.
Amplify your remote data management
CASB provides a set of intuitive tools to reduce complexity and boost efficiency.
By modernizing your network security you can keep track of sensitive information and ensure that the right individuals have access to the resources they need for work.
From a single dashboard, our CASB enables you to manage your suite of cloud security tools.
Take data protection to the next level
Our Cybersecurity’s CASB ensures your data remains secure from unauthorized users.
CASB can enforce a range of security policies, including access control based on contextual variables—including role, device type, device protection status, and geography—and can extend protection across the cloud. It can be configured to enforce encryption or tokenization practices and support enhanced authentication practices and integration with technology like single sign on (SSO) and identity and access management (IAM) platforms.
Maintain oversight of every cloud app
Adapt to changing rules without a hitch
Enforce security policies effortlessly
Amplify your remote data management
Discover the benefits
Observe, analyze, and control your cloud-based activity
Monitor in real time
Easily verify users’ identity and activity on your network
Analyze traffic
Proactively assess your cloud traffic to identify risks and threats
Enforce policies
Take charge of managing security configurations within cloud apps
Integrate seamlessly
Simplify the management of your cloud security tools through a single dashboard
You have questions. We have answers.
What is a CASB solution?
In simplest terms, a cloud access security broker (CASB) provides a central location for analyzing and controlling traffic across multiple cloud services. By monitoring traffic in the cloud, CASBs can help mitigate the risks inherent in employee use of cloud services. CASBs provide comprehensive and granular control over how a user interacts with cloud-based services, including management of what data can be shared on a service, role-based access controls, and enforcement of policies such as encryption requirements for sensitive data.
What types of integrations does a CASB have?
A CASB can integrate well with a broad range of cybersecurity technology. For example, organizations can integrate their CASB with its identify and access management system to authenticate and authorize the users and devices that access the cloud services. CASBs can also be integrated with a data loss prevention system to classify and protect sensitive cloud data, or with a SIEM system to collect and analyze the logs and alerts from your cloud activities. However a CASB is structured, it is important to review and update integrations regularly to align with any changes in your cloud environment.
How should we select a CASB?
As with any cybersecurity solution, integration is a foremost factor. The more easily your CASB vendor integrates with your setup, the more effective it will be at securing your cloud and protecting your environment against threats like malware, ransomware, and unauthorized access. Scalability should also be a principal factor, ensuring your chosen solution can grow with your requirements and your cybersecurity environment. In addition to integration and scalability, selecting the right CASB vendor requires you to also consider the deployment model your vendor uses, along with cost.
What is a CASB in Cisco?
Cisco describes its CASB approach as acting “as an intermediary between cloud providers and cloud consumers to enforce an organization’s security policies for cloud application access and usage.”
The company makes the point that SASE can include CASB, but not all do, noting that CASB provides visibility to enterprises, which can be a vital component of a SASE solution. In Cisco’s approach, CASB is a critical component of cloud security, but does not preclude the need for additional solutions: secure web gateways, public cloud monitoring, advanced firewalls, and effective email security, etc.
What are the three CASB deployment models?
CASBs can be deployed via the cloud, on-premises, or as a hybrid. However they are hosted, they offer three models: API scanning, ideal for examining data at rest in the cloud; forward proxy, which delivers real-time scanning of managed devices for both sanctioned and unsanctioned apps; and reverse proxy, which offers data loss prevention (DLP) in real time, but cannot scan unsanctioned apps.
Is CASB the same as SASE?
While both CASB and SASE are designed to address complex cybersecurity challenges in a cloud or hybrid environment, they follow different approaches to accomplish different goals. CASB gives organizations visibility into and control over their cloud applications, whereas SASE combines network security functions with WAN capabilities to support an enterprise’s dynamic, secure access needs. In basic terms, CASB uses traditional perimeter-based cloud security architectures while SASE integrates networking and security into one streamlined solution. Although a SASE deployment can include CASB, not all SASE platforms do.
How does CASB compare to VPNs?
Virtual private networks (VPNs) provide data security by using encrypted tunnels and by obscuring the IP addresses of users. To access online apps, however, users must expose their network IPs.
A CASB — whether premises or web based — serves as a data intermediary, so users are effectively sealed off from the network’s exterior and the parent organization has more data oversight.
For some applications, where no data is transmitted through or stored in the cloud, a VPN may still suffice, but CASB offers obvious benefits to those prone to exposing data through accessing cloud applications and other uses.