October 1st marks the start of National Cyber Security Awareness Month (#CyberAware). Since cyber security is a topic near and dear to our hearts, we plan to spend the month sharing resources, articles and best practices meant to educate, inform, and entertain. Whether you are concerned about hacking, data protection, corporate cyber security or personal online security, we hope you’ll glean some tips that will help you better protect your data and systems.
Sometimes we are so focused on defending systems from outside threats that we ignore the ones inside. Today, we look more closely at “insider threats”.
Javvad Malik, community manager and security advocate @ AlienVault, provides us with an article, Insiders, Moles & Compromise: Insider Threats Defined, that explains what constitutes an insider threat, and explores the best ways to detect and respond to such threats, as well as a ghoulish poem to kick off the month: