Robert Dean

Robert Dean

Operations Analyst, AT&T, Robert Dean is a member of the Managed Detection and Response Team. Prior to AT&T, Robert was an information security intern, graduate student, and full time Sr. IT Consultant at Marshall University. He recently graduated with his Master’s in Cyber Forensics & Security from Marshall University and is a Magnet AXIOM Certified Forensic Examiner. He previously served as an analyst on Marshall University’s Open Source Intelligence Exchange (OSIX) team, partnering with Operation Underground Railroad (O.A.R.) to provide intelligence to law enforcement to combat child exploitation in various countries. Robert currently supports the MTDR tier 1 analyst team, triaging and analyzing current threats, conducting in-depth investigations, and providing mitigation and remediation efforts for over 200 customers.

Posts by Robert Dean

Stories from the SOC - Command and Control

May 9, 2022   |   Robert Dean

Stories from the SOC - Lateral movement using default accounts

Apr 19, 2022   |   Robert Dean