Mary Blackowiak

Mary Blackowiak

Mary Blackowiak is a Director of Product Management and Development for the endpoint and mobile security portfolio with LevelBlue. She has more than fifteen years of B2B marketing and product management experience in the high-tech space including positions with Forcepoint, NSS Labs, and Best Buy for Business.

Mary has a passion for technology and a natural curiosity for understanding how everything works. This is reflected in her choice in education, holding a master’s degree in cybersecurity and information assurance as well as a bachelor’s degree in network design and management.

In her spare time, Mary enjoys traveling, gaming, and fostering kittens through the local animal shelter.

Posts by Mary Blackowiak

A fundamental guide to endpoint security

Feb 20, 2024   |   Mary Blackowiak

What may be lurking behind that QR code

Aug 7, 2023   |   Mary Blackowiak

Why use a managed services provider for your SASE implementation

Apr 11, 2022   |   Mary Blackowiak

A beginner’s guide to SASE

Feb 8, 2021   |   Mary Blackowiak

Next generation firewall (NGFW) explained: What is a NGFW?

Sep 30, 2020   |   Mary Blackowiak

Work from home cybersecurity explained: should your business have a WFH policy?

Aug 20, 2020   |   Mary Blackowiak

The challenge to security for the new normal

Jun 17, 2020   |   Mary Blackowiak