Chris Mark

Chris Mark

PCI National Practice Director | LevelBlue

Chris Mark is an experienced security professional with over 25 years of experience in physical, operational and cyber domains of security.  Chris is one of the original authors of the CISP and PCI DSS and has audited and consulted with over 100 large and complex organizations. He is a frequent public speaker on various security related topics.  He has been interviewed on CNN, FoxNews, NPR, and NBC and has published scores of articles in periodicals such as SC Magazine, The Counter Terrorist, Credit Union Times, Secure Payments, Transaction Trends, and National Review, among others.  Chris has a BA, MBA and is completing his dissertation for his doctorate in cybersecurity.  He is a former enlisted Marine and Navy Officer combat veteran.

Posts by Chris Mark

The Evolution of Cyber Threats in the Age of AI: Challenges and Responses

May 28, 2024   |   Chris Mark

Understanding how Rationality, Deterrence Theory, and Indeterminism Influence Cybercrime.

Apr 24, 2024   |   Chris Mark

For want of a cyber nail the kingdom fell

Nov 28, 2023   |   Chris Mark

Applying an intelligence-based approach to Cybersecurity; SIEM and dark web monitoring

Nov 6, 2023   |   Chris Mark

Strengthening Cybersecurity: Force multiplication and security efficiency

Oct 16, 2023   |   Chris Mark

Risk counts for Cyber and here is why

Sep 20, 2022   |   Chris Mark

Asymmetrical threats in Cybersecurity

May 28, 2021   |   Chris Mark

The new normal is actually very normal:  Punctuated equilibrium, security cycle theory, and the “New Normal”

May 3, 2021   |   Chris Mark

Quantifying CyberRisk- Solving the riddle

Feb 24, 2021   |   Chris Mark