BlueApp for Akamai Enterprise Threat Protector

Automate detection and response actions with the BlueApp for Akamai ETP

  • Akamai Enterprise Threat Protector
  • Gateway
  • Detection
  • Response

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BlueApps extend USM Anywhere’s threat detection and orchestration capabilities to other security tools at no additional cost.
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The BlueApp for Akamai Enterprise Threat Protector (ETP) enhances the threat detection capabilities of USM Anywhere by collecting and analyzing log data from the ETP platform. It also provides orchestration actions to streamline incident response activities.

The app includes the following capabilities:

  • Add or remove items on Block lists
  • Add or remove items on Allowed lists
  • Create custom lists and add or remove IP addresses/URLs to block or allow traffic
  • Automatically respond to Akamai ETP events with orchestration rules

Why you’ll love the BlueApp for Akamai ETP

Accelerate time to detection and response

  • Access and analyze Akamai ETP-generated reports on threat events, network and proxy traffic events, DNS activity, and Acceptable Use Policy events straight from USM Anywhere.

Monitor your security posture from a single console

  • Use the interactive dashboards in USM Anywhere to monitor your Akamai ETP activity.

Apply LevelBlue Labs threat intelligence to your log data

  • USM Anywhere uses its integrated threat intelligence to analyze log data from Akamai ETP, along with data from other assets and security products, to detect threats and intrusions.

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