Securing and optimizing financial services networks

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The financial services sector is the world’s most-attacked industry. Facing constant intrusion attempts and other attacks, financial services organizations often find it challenging to move from a reactive cybersecurity stance to a proactive one.

Further complicating attempts at securing the network are lack of visibility, operational inefficiencies, continually expanding attack surfaces, and complying with a growing number of regulations. Protecting extremely sensitive data is a top priority for both business and compliance reasons.

How can financial services organizations solve this problem of providing tight cybersecurity and fast, seamless connectivity? The solution is comprehensive, end-to-end protection based on a software-defined wide area network (SD-WAN) to connect branches directly to the internet.

Download this paper to learn:

  • The top cybersecurity challenges that financial institutions face
  • The most popular use cases for SASE within the finserv industry
  • How SASE can help financial organizations connect and protect each branch location to improve network performance and resiliency