LevelBlue Penetration Testing Service

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Typical attackers don’t go straight for your data center and can often be unnoticed by automatic vulnerability scanning. Therefore, it’s important to evaluate the strength of your organization’s security controls against a human attacker.

In addition, PCI DSS mandates organizations to conduct both internal and external penetration testing annually—at a minimum—and after any significant network changes.

We can help you work towards meeting penetration testing requirements for compliance regulations, and help you understand your risks against a human attacker.

AT&T Penetration Testing Service helps:

  • Identify and evaluate key attack vectors an attacker could use to compromise your organization’s critical data and assets
  • Understand the full business impact of a real-world attack
  • Gain a more thorough, third-party understanding of your organization’s security posture
  • Benefit from expert guidance on prioritization and remediation

Explore the benefits in this solution brief.