
We are better together: AT&T USM Anywhere and Digital Defense Frontline

January 19, 2021  |  Rakesh Shah
An enterprise needs an evolving view of its environment.  What does normal look like?  What are the weak spots?  What is the impact of the threat to your environment? 

Detecting the threat after collecting the right data is the first step.  From there, the impact of the threat really matters; otherwise, security teams may be chasing after too many issues.

Recently, we have taken a major step in this customer-driven journey by releasing our first Advanced AlienApp that tightly integrates asset, vulnerability and threat data.  Our new Advanced AlienApp for Digital Defense includes Digital Defense Frontline Vulnerability Manager (Frontline VM™) and Frontline Advanced Threat Sweep (Frontline ATS™). Joining our suite of existing Advanced AlienApps, Frontline is the first Alien App to offer additional asset discovery, correlation and de-duplication of dynamic assets, on-demand vulnerability scanning, passive malware detection and security risk trend analysis and reporting.

USM Anywhere with the AlienApp for Frontline also provides orchestration actions to help streamline incident response activities and to get even deeper visibility into the assets on the network and their respective vulnerabilities.

AlienApp for DDI

Digital Defense Frontline

The Frontline platform is a multi-tenant, cloud-native SaaS platform that supports both agent and agent-less scanning of assets through advanced fingerprinting, which leads to a lightweight customized scan that is often used for on-demand and real-time scanning of assets with minimal performance impact. More importantly, Frontline’s highly customized scanning means a false positive rate <1% with the industry average being approximately 20%. Frontline also offers the following capabilities:

  • Dynamic tracking and de-duplication of dynamic, on-prem, cloud and mobile assets
  • Minimal performance impact on physical and virtual resources, leading to more frequent scans and real-time risk assessment
  • Prioritization of patching based on business context
  • The ability to detect hidden or passive malware beyond traditional endpoint monitoring solutions
  • CSO–level security and risk trend analysis and grading over time, known as Frontline SecurityGPA.

Digital Defense is recognized as a leader in Cloud-Native, On-Demand Vulnerability Management and Threat Assessment technology, serving customers across the globe (more than 65 countries).  Moreover, AT&T’s Managed Vulnerability Program (MVP) is powered by Frontline bringing AT&T’s solutions closer together.  This is an exciting new Advanced AlienApp for many reasons.

How AT&T USM Anywhere and Digital Defense Frontline work together

The AlienApp for Frontline features powerful asset discovery and vulnerability assessment capabilities that are paired with USM Anywhere for extended security management. When you configure the app in USM Anywhere, you have the option to allow Frontline to create assets that are discovered in scans, as well as merge the asset information provided from the Frontline VM scan with the existing asset information in USM Anywhere. The new AlienApp intelligently determines if there are potentially duplicate assets already in the system. 

alienapp for DDI asset

With enhanced asset discovery as the first step, understanding vulnerabilities and hidden threats on critical assets is the next.  With network vulnerability assessment, you can help to find the weak spots in the critical assets and take corrective action before attackers exploit them to sabotage your business or steal your confidential data.

The AlienApp for Frontline provides built-in capabilities to trigger scans on assets.  The deep integration allows USM Anywhere to execute scans in Frontline directly through the USM Anywhere interface.

DDI deep integration

In addition, the AlienApp smartly determines if there are duplicate vulnerabilities if already detected from other sources.  By doing so, it helps reduce the risk of chasing inaccurate security information.

Together, USM Anywhere and Frontline can help provide customers with improved asset discovery, reconciliation of dynamic assets, on-demand vulnerability management and threat scanning and enhanced reporting.

AT&T Managed Vulnerability Program (MVP) Services Augmentation

What if you don’t have the resources or appropriate skill set required to effectively manage your vulnerability program and identify the system vulnerability gaps in your cyber defense program?  AT&T’s managed solution offers unlimited on-demand access to a team of AT&T Cybersecurity Consultants who can manage the solution on your behalf, as well as providing both tactical and strategic support for your organization’s stakeholders. Our MVP service utilizes Digital Defense’s Frontline, which is now integrated with USM Anywhere.

Try out these new AlienApps

AlienApps are included for all USM Anywhere customers at no extra charge. Try USM Anywhere by starting a Free 14-Day Trial of USM Anywhere today to see how AlienApps can help your organization work more efficiently to reduce the time between threat detection and response.

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