
Things I Hearted this Week – 29th December 2017

December 29, 2017  |  Javvad Malik

And here we are, the last week of 2017! Congratulations for making it through and thank you for sticking with us. I really enjoy pulling together these weekly recaps, and I hope you enjoy them and find them informative.

This week has been a quiet week as people seem to be in constant limbo as to whether they should be working or vacationing. But I searched tirelessly for you – because that’s just the kind of person I am.

Enjoy, and hope to see you again in 2018.

Vendor Analyst Briefings

Our very own Kate Brew started off a discussion on Twitter a few days ago on how many vendors don’t know how to brief analysts.

Anton Chuvakin of Gartner chimed in with a detailed listing of do’s and don’t’s, followed closely by Adrian Sanabria sharing his experiences. Not wanting to be left out, I also added my 2cents. Thus completing the trilogy.

Dressed for success

Ed Amoroso offers some personal advice (especially for Millennials) on proper dress selection for men and women in the modern technology-based work environment that focuses on showing respect for others.

Credential Stuffing

With quite literally billions of leaked credentials available online, it is highly likely that some of these will be credentials for your customers — or worse — from your employees or organisation. These details can then be used by nefarious people to then systematically attempt to log into your service/business, in an attempt to takeover these accounts. This article will provide you with an overview of why and how these attacks take place, as well as provide you with some fingerprints and identifiers to help you monitor your environment for these types of attacks.

Cryptocurrency mining malware

Digimine spreads via Facebook messenger using a Google Chrome browser extension.

This isn’t the first, and certainly won’t be the last example of cryptomining malware – something we may see increase in 2018. I should have added it to my list of predictions!

Rating Citizens

The Chinese government plans to launch its Social Credit System in 2020. The aim? To judge the trustworthiness – or otherwise – of its 1.3 billion residents

Predictors of success

Not really infosec news, but I hearted it nonetheless. Two rounds of deep analysis of employee performance data at Google show that the top predictors of success are being a good communicator in a team where you feel emotionally safe

How to Generate FiveThirtyEight Graphs in Python

If you read data science articles, you may have already stumbled upon FiveThirtyEight's content. Naturally, you were impressed by their awesome visualizations. Here you can find out how.

Cryptocurrency boss kidnapped

This story quickly dispels any doubt that digital information any less valuable than cold, hard, cash.

Also, it’s worth remembering that threat models vary greatly depending on where you are and what you do. Kidnapping is unfortunately a real threat in many countries.

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