
The European Security Perspective

June 1, 2015  |  Javvad Malik

Better known for maintaining a stiff upper lip, Mary Poppins and a spot of tea, London is also playing host to information security conferences galore.

Infosec Europe sets the stage with its signature three day event. Traditionally it has been perceived as more of a trade show, but in recent years it has focussed more on the content side - exploring more relevant issues and attracting more speakers.

If Infosec represents the business brain of infosec, the community heart lies with BsidesLondon. Now in its fifth year, the conference has grown from its humble beginnings and attracts some of the most promising talent. It's not hard to see why - BsidesLondon has always encouraged students, seasoned professionals and casual security enthusiasts equally. It even boasts a 'rookie track' where first-time speakers get paired up with an experienced speaker to prepare and deliver a talk in a friendly environment.

The third security conference this week will be the first ever RSA Unplugged. An event that promises to bring talks with an acoustic vibe. With its track record of being able to pull together content, there's no reason to doubt RSA will put on a great show.

One of the benefits of having these conferences, not to mention a plethora of other events occurring during the week is that it provides the European security community a place to converge and discuss points that are pertinent to their geographies. Whilst most security challenges are common, local legislation, drivers and economies can play a significant role in shaping requirements and needs.
The UK Snooper's charter will likely be at the centre of many conversations and will be interesting to see the impact of it in light of firms such as ind.ie quitting the UK as a direct result of the charter.

It also serves as a good opportunity for vendors (many of which are US-based) to engage with its customers, to share product roadmaps and gain insight into what the security needs of businesses are in Europe.

Business aside, it is the ideal opportunity for professionals to network and meet. It's the place where contacts are made and friendships forged.

AlienVault will be exhibiting at Infosec Booth #F65

3rd June: Javvad Malik, My love-hate affair with Security Operations, Bsides London 1:30 pm, Track 2

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