
The Alien Eye in the Sky - Friday 2nd September

September 2, 2016  |  Javvad Malik

A roundup of the week’s news, commentary, and observations.

Ever wondered what File Integrity Monitoring is? Well, wonder no more as Jim Hansen explains all.

Ransomware is everywhere. It’s growing. Can you Resist the Ransom?

When security and convenience collide we get beauty sites that let anyone read customers' personal information

Not really surprising, but still saddening that many hospitals transmit your health records unencrypted.

Car hacking is the future – and sooner or later you’ll be hit

Why we need to change the psychology of security. Great piece by my ex-colleague Adrian Sanabria

What qualities do you look for when hiring information security professionals? Here’s a post by Christian Frichot that can give you some ideas.

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