
InfoSec Implications of Britain Leaving the EU

June 22, 2016  |  Kate Brew

In the US, we can sometimes be a little oblivious to what is going on in the rest of the world. Big news in the European Union (EU) right now is a referendum taking place on 6/23/16 to decide whether Britain will remain part of the EU. From all the discussions leading up to this vote, a shorthand way of referring to the possibility of Britain exiting the EU has popped up: Brexit (British Exit).

While many have debated and continue to debate the overall social and economic benefits of Britain remaining within or leaving the EU, we took it upon ourselves to ask attendees of Infosecurity Europe 2016 what they feel the potential security impact of a Brexit might be. The results are based on a survey of 298 security professionals at the event.

Javvad Malik’s full report on the survey results is available in PDF form, while the highlights are presented in this great little infographic.

infosec 2016 survey infographic

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