
How to Be an InfoSec Thought Leader

January 24, 2019  |  Javvad Malik

What does it mean to be a thought leader? Is it merely the opposite of a thought follower, or is it more nuanced than that?

Becoming a thought leader is the epitome of professional success. But a thought leader isn’t a title that one attains by going to Harvard, or Cambridge. No, it’s a title bestowed by your peer

But wait, there are many naysayers in this world who will try to make out that thought leadership is a made up marketing term. But they're wrong. Thought leaders are the future, with them, the future is bright, and will lead us to an enlightened future, where blockchains and machine learning will co-exist in harmony, fuelled by cryptocurrencies and moderated by artificial intelligence. 

So how does one become known as a thought leader? Simple, just watch this video and follow the awesome advice given by me and @SpaceRog


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