
Eye In The Sky: 9th December 2016

December 9, 2016  |  Javvad Malik

Another week, another set of impactful, bizarre, and interesting security stories.

We tried something interesting and new this week. Rather than focusing on a few stories in the video and posting links to others, we’ve crammed them all into one action-packed episode!

Stories covered

Toyota dealer sued for stealing intimate photos off couple’s smartphone

Counterproductive security behaviors that must end

How HMRC combats phishing by using DMARC

How publishers are defeating ad blockers and how ad blockers are fighting back

Fake US embassy in Accra ‪Ghana staffed by Turks, flew an American flag and issued fraudulent visas for $6,000.

Did someone put you in the TO: instead of the BCC: ? Do This…

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