
Ethical hacking as a post-graduation opportunity

April 18, 2019  |  Karoline Gore

young woman graduating college

The world of cybersecurity is an ever-changing one of constant preemptive preparation, where companies are forced to hunt for any kinks in their defenses to ensure that they’re as protected as possible. Working as an ethical hacker allows information technology graduates to come into the job market and aid companies in finding those kinks so that they can remain safe in a world of increasing cybercrime. As the world of cybersecurity grows more linked with everyday life, it’s important to know what awaits those entering this job market.

Great pay

Ethical hacking is a skilled trade, reserved for those that know their way around design and programming. The average salary for ethical hacking offers a wide range - between $24,760 and $132,322. There are also many freelancing opportunities for one-time or part time positions, which can offer multiple opportunities and flexible pay. For graduates looking to deal with school loans or simply wishing to jumpstart their finances, the high ceiling of earning averages provides an excellent opportunity

Rapid growth

Ethical hacking is one of the swiftest growing areas for information technology graduates, if for no other reason than for demand. The increasingly connected internet of things is forcing companies to have a powerful online presence, which then needs to be defended. As more and more companies become connected to the internet, the need for ethical hackers to test their defenses increases as well.

In fact, the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics expect to see information security analysts, a category which includes ethical hackers, to see job growth increase by as much as 28% from 2016 to 2026. This is four times the job growth that other sectors expect to see, which sits around 7%. The job growth for ethical hacking is due to the increased need for online security, and means that graduates entering the field can expect a surplus of available positions. Additionally, the constant growth of jobs equates to advanced job options, as graduates are likely to always be able to find another position if the need arises.

Increasing skill sets

Graduates are likely to have been focusing on one or two subjects while going through their collegiate career. Ethical hacking provides an excellent way to diversify the skills one has learned, as well as providing opportunities to grow in acclaim. Many ethical hacking positions may require brief training courses that will end with the ethical hacker being rewarded with certification and verification of skills. While often optional, this is highly recommended, as certified ethical hacking professionals earn significantly more than their non-certified peers.

Ultimately, many experts believe ethical hacking to be one of the most prominent fields of information security analysis in the future. Ethical hacking is both one of the newest and one of the swiftest growing areas of InfoSec. For graduates looking to join the professional world, ethical hacking provides excellent ways to earn a great entry-level salary and bolster your abilities.

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