
CryptoParty at Austin OWASP

January 30, 2015  |  Kate Brew

One of Edward Snowden's first moves involving going around the NSA was to attend a CryptoParty in Hawaii. Not that we are anything like Edward Snowden, but we went ahead and had a CryptoParty at our Austin OWASP chapter meeting on 1/27/15. Here is a recording of the event http://vimeo.com/channels/owaspaustin

First speaker was Phil Beyer, speaking on VPN. He demo'd tunnelling to access his corporate network. @pjbeyer

Second was David Ochel speaking on Public Key Infrastructure, Electronic Signatures and how Man in the Middle (MITM) works. He also gave an overview of Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) @lostgravity

Then Brian Boettcher spoke on Tor. @boettcherpwned

Followed by Bankim Tejani speaking on File and Disk Encryption. One fun-fact: when your computer is on, even if in "sleep" mode, your full disk encryption doesn't fully protect you, because your data may still be accessible to a compromised OS. @BankimTejani

Then Josh Sokol spoke on the combination of technologies that still frustrates the NSA in full control over your privacy, including ZRTP. @joshsokol

It was a big crowd and everyone seemed to have a great time! We are already planning CryptoParty 2016!

More on Austin OWASP Chapter here.

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