
Alien Eye in the Sky, Friday 7 October

October 7, 2016  |  Javvad Malik

It’s been a busy week in the land of information security. But don’t worry, we’ve got it all covered.


Links to stories in video:

Ransomware operator shut down

Stealing an AI

Nobody is bidding on shadowbrokers files

US government IP address contract ends

Don’t be Yahoo

Verizon wants $1bn discount

You don’t have to be stupid to work here

Links to other interesting stories from the week

MMD-0056-2016 - Linux/Mirai, how an old ELF malcode is recycled

Hacker releases code that powered Botnet attack against Krebs

Microsoft has announced it is to harden the edge browser for enterprise users

A really sweet presentation format and great information for incident response and security operations teams by Frode Hommedal

Halvar flake was asked why he works in security – and gives a nice response. What he didn’t give was my 3 favourite answers. Good pay, Sponsorship money, and VC money

What makes call-out culture so toxic?

The three infrastructure mistakes your company must not make

Hootsuite’s CEO on what he learned from getting hacked on social media

AlienVault OTX Maltego Transforms

In other news from the week:

Singing for the Unsung Heroes of IT Security

AlienVault was a proud sponsor of the 2016 Unsung Heroes Award, part of the Security Serious Week.

Security Serious Week is five days dedicated to helping UK businesses understand the importance of information security. It consists of a one-day conference, the unsung heroes awards, and over 50 webinars, amongst other activities.

The Unsung Hero Awards are designed to give the unsung heroes in IT Security the recognition they deserve. 

With 14 categories and a plethora of nominations, even the shortlist began to look rather long. The event was well-attended, with winners receiving trophies in addition to superhero capes and masks. Adding much needed levity to such events that can often end up taking themselves a bit too seriously. (no pun intended).

I was there to capture all the glory of the event which turned out to be a great night. 

The full list of winners is below.

CISO Supremo

  • Mark Jones, Allen & Overy
  • Avtar Sehmbi, HSBC
  • Dr Robert Coles, GSK
  • Thom Langford, Publicis Groupe
  • Andrew Rose, NATS

Godfather of Security

  • Brian Shorten, Charities Security Forum
  • Professor Fred Piper, Royal Holloway University
  • Security Avengers (sponsored by Lastline)
  • Publicis Groupe Team

Best Security Awareness Campaign

  • Amar Singh, GiveADay

Social Media Saviour

  • Katie Sanderson, Lockcode Cyber Security

Mobile Mogul

  • Charles Brookson, Azenby

Security Leader

  • Quentyn Taylor, Canon

Cloud Security Superhero

  • Andrew Hardie, BCS

Fraud Fighter

  • Luis Aguair, Metro Bank

Game Changer

  • Hugh Boyes, IET Cyber Security

Marathon (Wo)Man

  • Vicki Gavin, Economist Group

Spidey Sense

  • Professor John Walker, HEX Forensics

Captain Compliance

  • Eddie Dynes, Gatwick Airport

Cyber Writer

  • Warwick Ashford, Computer Weekly

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