
Alien Eye in the Sky 7th April 2017

April 7, 2017  |  Javvad Malik

It's been an exciting week for sure in InfoSec. Here are some of the top stories I found:

1. New features in Open Threat Exchange (OTX)

The worlds largest open threat sharing platform has introduced some new tricks. There are many improvements, but perhaps one of the most interesting is the new adversary pages. Each adversary gets its own page and pulls together information from various sources.

2. Robbing banks

Cyberciminals apparently took control of a Brazilian Bank for five hours. During this time they intercepted all of its online banking, mobile, point of sale, ATM, and investment transactions. The attack made use of valid SSL digital certificates and Google Cloud.

3. Password managers don’t have to be perfect

Troy Hunt weighs in on the LastPass issue and why despite these issues, the benefits of a password manager outweight the disadvantages.

Overall, this is an excellent point which many security professionals often lose sight of. Often, much time and many resources are spent in an attempt to get the perfect security solution, when in actual fact, “good enough” often is adequate.

4.Infrastructure diversity – Hunting in Shared Infrastructure

A really good read that also serves as a reminder to red teams not to fall into a rigid routine

5. Explaining the broadband privacy bill

The average person remains somewhat confused around what the privacy bill is and what does it mean. Like what can your ISP track or not?

So JD wrote a letter to his family explaining it.

6. Don’t mess with your IoT provider

It’s not just cyber-criminals that are looking to hold your IoT devices to ransom. A customer purchased an IoT garage opener and wasn’t overly happy with it, so left a negative review. The result – the manufacturer blocked the device from accessing its services.

7. FBI arrests hacker who hacked no one

A very interesting story about Taylor Huddleston, a developer who authored a remote administration tool (RAT), called NanoCore that happens to be popular with hackers. As a result, the FBI are looking to press charges against him, claiming they have no doubt Huddleston created the tool with ill intent.

It raises serious questions around the liability of developers if their tools end up being used for malicious purposes.

8. Fired sysadmin goes rogue

In an unexpected twist, a former IT administrator working at a cowboy boot manufacturer has pled guilty to hacking the servers and cloud accounts of his employer after they fired him.

It proves that not having a Joiners Movers and Leavers (JML) process in place can greatly increase the insider threat.

9. Mirai, don’t call it a comeback

The IoT powered botnet was observed carrying out a huge 54-hour DDoS attack on a US university last month. The attack peaked at around 37,000 RPS from compromised devices around the world.

10. Ditch the elevator pitch

Less security related, but an interesting counter-point to the oft-touted elevator pitch.

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