
Alien Eye in the Sky 24th March, 2017

March 24, 2017  |  Javvad Malik

Keeping an eye on the latest in the world of information security week after week illustrates the variety of concerns, errors, and attacks that present themselves.

It has been reported that a British bank ‘identifying trafficked sex workers by tracking contraceptive spending’. While the cause may be good, one must wonder how long before banks are sharing full-scale analysis of spending and profiling with big brother?

Bug bounties and vulnerability disclosure co-ordination continue to be adopted. With Intel offering up to $30,000 for bugs in its hardware and the UK’s NCSC launching a vulnerability co-ordination pilot, it’s in the news.

Self-driving cars have been the fantasy of most kids who grew up in the 80’s watching Knight Rider. There have been many exciting developments in this space, but it still looks like truly self-driving cars have little more than lane-discipline and variable cruise control as Uber’s autonomous cars drove 20,354 miles and had to be taken over at every mile, according to documents.

An interesting and in-depth read, The New Handbook For Cyberwar Is Being Written By Russia.

People will often complain about government agencies such as the NSA, or GCHQ being able to spy on individuals. However, it’s important not to overlook those who seek to gain access to your systems and data for nefarious activities that can directly impact you. As this article takes the creepiness level up to 11, it’s worth remembering that even simple security measures such as webcam covers (or a bit of tape) can help save harassment. Meet the men who spy on women through their webcams.

How to Think About Likelihood, Probability and Frequency.

More interesting stories:

10 years ago, this headline would have made no sense at all. Even today, it makes little sense to a lot of people. Why American Farmers Are Hacking Their Tractors With Ukrainian Firmware. But it illustrates how IoT has removed the divide between software and hardware – and made hardware subservient to software.

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