
5G is coming, are you prepared?

November 22, 2019  |  Tawnya Lancaster

5G technologies and networks are bringing exciting new possibilities for the enterprise. Many organizations are taking a proactive stance by anticipating the security requirements that will come with the new technology. Given the multifaceted nature of 5G and security, it’s critical for organizations to understand the magnitude of this undertaking. 

You can check out a recent blog with some of the results of a recent study we conducted with 451 Group: AT&T Cybersecurity Insights™ Report: Security at the Speed of 5G. But wouldn’t a webinar be more fun? Great news - one is coming up soon: Wednesday December 4th at 12:00 PM CST.

In the webinar, we’ll cover: 
• How 5G will transform the network with such things as Multi-edge Computing (MEC) and IoT 
• Where 5G may present new security challenges and where it offers security benefits with a shared security model 
• Which security controls will become most critical in the 5G future 
• What security practitioners should focus on to get a head start on 5G 

I’ll be the host – hope you can join us! REGISTER HERE.

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