
2016 Recap from the Alien Eye in the Sky

December 16, 2016  |  Javvad Malik

Today is the last Alien Eye in The Sky episode for 2016, so rather than just recapping the week, we thought we’d take a look at what’s transpired over the course of 2016.

To be honest, I underestimated the huge task at hand, and after researching several hundred breaches, decided that it was better to break down the incidents into trends and take samples from each.

Hopefully this will give a renewed appreciation of how much the cyber security challenge is growing across the world and across all industries.

So, without further ado, all the stories mentioned in the video are linked below.

Happy holidays everybody!

Online dating

Password re-use attacks


It’s Not all fun and Games

Millions of steam game keys stolen. Evony gaming company saw itself targeted twice during the year. Forums belonging to Clash of Kings and Funcom were breached.



Educational institutes were far from immune with over 100 reported hacks, leaks, and errors reported over the year.

Banking incidents

Miscellaneous hacks and breaches through the year

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