
10 things to know about cybersecurity in 2020

February 5, 2020  |  Kevin Landt

Cybersecurity talent is elusive, resources are dwindling, but hacks are on the rise. We’re addressing these challenges as “must-haves” as we kick off the year is essential to an organization’s cybersecurity strategy. Here are some of the 10 things to know about cybersecurity in 2020.

1. Security-as-a-service fills the talent and recruitment gap.

We are already falling into a talent abyss where there isn’t enough cybersecurity or compliance expertise and it’s not changing anytime soon. Getting help from security-as-a-service organizations will become the de-facto standard as the only way to fill the talent and recruitment gap.

2. Navigating vendor noise becomes harder.

With so many cybersecurity vendors in the market, it’s tough to make decisions on what will truly help protect a business. This year there needs to be a focused priority in identifying services that provide resources and a full suite of solutions to help turn down the volume, ward off attacks and meet compliance mandates.

3. AI identifies security gaps faster.

As we fight to keep up with new hacks, security professionals need to embrace machine learning (ML) and AI technology that works at a much faster cadence to find gaps that could lead to a breach. Using these technologies can help security professionals keep up with hackers. Combined with human expertise, AI and ML can help prevent attacks.

4. Widespread adoption of security visualization in the cloud.

We want to see how our apps and data are connecting and where, and if, there are any security gaps. A “must-have” for all security professionals is the ability to see their entire security posture presented in a single, holistic visual dashboard. We will see the widespread adoption of security visualization across all environments.

5. The perimeter is dead; endpoints need protecting.

More laptops, desktops, mobile phones, tablets, servers, and virtual environments are connecting to systems. Each one of these endpoints requires security. In 2020, endpoint security will become a “must-have” for all organizations. Perimeter detection is no longer adequate - as your perimeter doesn’t exist. It is anywhere and everywhere. One misconfigured laptop, server or firewall may be the cause of a data breach.

6. More regulations translates to more work.

Every year we see an increase in updated guidance or compliance requirements. This trend will continue in 2020 as more regulation is put in place to protect privacy and data. With the floodgates opening, it’s important to have processes and logs in place that prove how security and privacy is handled at your business.

7. More ransomware attacks in 2020.

As more people accept that spending on ransomware is the cost of doing business, we’ll see more attacks. Dedicated resources should be spent on prevention by monitoring for suspicious activity, including phishing attempts and ransomware. If you don’t have the internal resources, look to security-as-a-service with security monitoring solutions.

8. Small business aren’t immune.

Cybersecurity isn’t just for the enterprises. One breach could be the death of a small business. But whereas enterprises have larger budgets and resources, small businesses don’t. Overcoming these constraints calls for security-as-a-service adoption in 2020.

9. A breach will damage your brand.

Consumers want data to be protected. Cybersecurity should be viewed as a tool to increase brand loyalty. Protecting that data is essential.

10. Cybersecurity professionals will be more stressed.

More attacks and less resources mean more stress for security professionals. The job is already stressful and it’s only set to get worse. Help is needed, not just for anxiety but to actually safeguard against attacks. 2020 will see the rise of security-as-a-service as security professionals can no longer keep up with the daily grind and stress.

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