Jesse Rodriguez

Jesse Rodriguez

Jesse Rodriguez is a Threat Hunter on the AT&T Cybersecurity Managed Detection and Response (MDR) team. He joined the team as a SOC analyst in October 2020. He attended the RackSpace IT bootcamp for Linux System Admin and Cybersecurity. In his previous roles, he worked as a K9 Guard and an IT Specialist for the San Antonio Hospital System. Jesse’s motivation to elevate not only his skills but also those of his peers led to him becoming one of the Threat Hunters on the managed endpoint team. When he isn’t hunting for threats, you can find him at local automotive events or training for his next obstacle race.

Posts by Jesse Rodriguez

Stories from the SOC – Combating “Security Alert” Scams

May 1, 2024   |   Jesse Rodriguez

Stories from the SOC: OneNote MalSpam – Detection & response

Jul 13, 2023   |   Jesse Rodriguez