Dick Hacking

Dick Hacking

Over 20 years as a developer, and then manager of product security incidents while in the support arm of a major storage manufacturer. Currently AT&T’s PCI DSS 4.0 SME delivering Introductory webinars to Management, and in-depth transition roadmaps to implementation teams.

Posts by Dick Hacking

Scans required for PCI DSS compliance

May 9, 2023   |   Dick Hacking

Application Programming Interface (API) testing for PCI DSS compliance

Apr 26, 2023   |   Dick Hacking

Guidance on network and data flow diagrams for PCI DSS compliance

Apr 19, 2023   |   Dick Hacking

PCI DSS reporting details to ensure when contracting quarterly CDE tests

Apr 14, 2023   |   Dick Hacking

Identity and Access Management (IAM) in Payment Card Industry (PCI) Data Security Standard (DSS) environments.

Apr 6, 2023   |   Dick Hacking