
Improving Threat Detection through Managed Security Service Providers (MSSPs)

August 14, 2018  |  Mike LaPeters

Executive Summary:

Cybersecurity is a growing concern as breaches continue to increase in frequency and make headline news. Unfortunately, due to time and other constraints, many smaller businesses postpone the complicated task of risk management, only to eventually succumb to the devastating ramifications of a cyberattack. While the security solutions themselves appear complicated, the ability to mitigate risk is within reach of all. Through partnering with a trusted Managed Security Service Provider (MSSP) that offers expertise to ensure the safety of sensitive systems and data, every company – no matter the size – can lessen the risks involved.

Every day we see a new headline that turns the spotlight on cyberattacks of retail giants and enterprise businesses. It’s alarming and causes a ripple effect of fear across our daily lives. While this intense publicity increases awareness for cybersecurity in general – it’s not always effective at bringing attention to business leaders who think smaller companies are inherently unattractive targets for cybercriminals. In actuality, this sort of misunderstanding leaves companies highly vulnerable, especially those with limited resources, expertise, and budgets. As threat tactics evolve, they are more exposed than ever due to:

  • New malware variants introduced daily
  • Complexity of securing multiple points of access
  • Cybersecurity skills shortage – coupled with lack of time and money

The Value of MSSPs

Fortunately, there’s a silver lining. With help from a trusted Managed Security Service Provider (MSSP), companies with limited resources  can ensure their systems are safe and protected without hiring an in-house team. Whether it’s day-to-day monitoring, analysis, detection, response, and reporting on vulnerabilities, these security experts offer businesses of all sizes the peace of mind they need – at surprisingly affordable costs.

AlienVault MSSPs

For nearly a decade, we’ve equipped an extensive network of MSSPs with robust technology that allows for quick reaction and response to security challenges, worldwide. AlienVault Unified Security Management (USM) is a cornerstone in building successful managed security and compliance service offerings. Trusted by 7,000+ customers, we simplify security, save costs, and reduce complexity and deployment time for businesses of all sizes.

What’s Next?

Visit our website to learn more about outsourcing your security needs or get introduced to one of our trusted MSSP partners.

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