
Alien Eye in The Sky – 3rd February 2017

February 3, 2017  |  Javvad Malik

No matter what happens in the world you can be sure that we will continue to observe and report on all the interesting, random, and informative security topics of the week. Or at least the ones that came to our attention this week.

A useful cheatsheet on TLS / SSL vulnerabilities by Holly Graceful that helps to differentiate BREACH, CRIME, FREAK, Logjam and others.

Many growing technology departments reach a tipping point where they have to make a choice. Either continue to grow out their internal team, or partner with an MSSP. An interesting post on five signs that it’s time to call an MSSP. Would be interesting to hear if you’ve engaged an MSSP and your reasons to do so.

The Grugq doing his thing again, this time publishing an article on twitter activist security guidelines.

The very devices that keep you alive can turn on you. Fascinating and pretty scary account on how cops used pacemaker data to charge homeowner with arson and insurance fraud.

HBOS Bank manager found guilty of corruption and fraud.

Do you have a printer, is it secure? DO you know what attacks could be undertaken against it? If so, read up on Printer security.

This is a pretty insightful account of the impact of big data. It showcases how it’s not so much ‘fake news’ that is a problem, but the way it is tailored and targeted. The data that turned the world upside down.

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