Executive Dashboard

Role Availability Read-Only Investigator Analyst Manager

The executive dashboard provides a visual display of important security metrics with the goal of giving an at-a-glance view into performance across your security program.

This dashboard offers widgets that detail all aspects of your environment. You can click these widgets, taking you to the detailed information page, and enabling you to drill down into the data even more. Use the executive dashboard to check the information included in your environment, detect possible problems, and decide the solutions that are better at every moment.

You can filter data included in the widgets by clicking the icon. See Refreshing and Filtering Data from the USM Anywhere Dashboards for more information.

You can clone and customize your executive dashboard to meet your specific needs. See Clone the Executive Dashboard for more information.

You can also export data from the dashboard as an HTML report. See Exporting Data from the USM Anywhere Dashboards for more information.

The executive dashboard includes these separate sections:

  • Executive Summary: Provides several widgets with general information. These widgets are platform updates, threat metrics, security funnel, number of LevelBlue Labs™ Open Threat Exchange® (OTX™) pulse hits, data source usage, alarms cycle time, and vulnerabilities remediation time by severity. See Executive Summary Section inside the Executive Dashboard for more information.

  • Investigations: Provides several widgets related to investigations. These widgets are the number of investigations, average time to close an investigation, and top severity closed investigations. See Investigations Section inside the Executive Dashboard for more information.

  • Alarms: Provides several widgets related to alarms. These widgets are alarms summary, opened investigations by intent, alarms by severity, alarms method by strategy, and alarms method by intent. See Alarms Section inside the Executive Dashboard for more information.

  • Vulnerability Assessment: Provides several widgets related to vulnerabilities. These widgets are scan jobs history, number of vulnerabilities, and the top five vulnerable assets by score. See Vulnerability Assessment Section inside the Executive Dashboard for more information.

  • Events: Provides several widgets related to events. These widgets are events trend and top 10 generating data sources. See Events Section inside the Executive Dashboard for more information.