Alarms Section inside the Executive Dashboard

Role Availability Read-Only Investigator Analyst Manager

This section displays information related to the detected alarms in your environment. These widgets include the results of the USM Anywhere correlation engine and the value of mapping those into actionable groups based on the risk factor. See Alarms Management for more information.

The Executive Dashboard, Alarms Section

Widgets in the Alarms Section inside the Executive Dashboard
Widgets Description
Alarm Summary Graph that displays the number of alarms that you have in your environment on a monthly basis and their current status. The options are open, suppressed, closed, and total.
Opened Investigations by Intent Pie chart displaying the opened investigations correlated by intent.
Alarms by Severity

Alarms correlated by severity (critical, high, medium, and low) and related to a range of dates. The size of the bubbles depends on the number of issues.

Alarms Method by Strategy Method name with count of number of alarms under that method. The data are in tabular format.
Alarms Method by Intent Method name with count of number of alarms under that method. The data are in tabular format.