Viewing Configuration Issues Details

The configuration issues details page provides in-depth information on a configuration issue and provides easy access to the issue within the related deployment. When you use this feature to access the configuration issue at the deployment level, you can perform further investigation, as well as execute actions to address it.

To view the details of a configuration issue

  1. Go to Configuration Issues.
  2. Click the configuration issue to display its details.

    Details of a configuration issue

    Note: Click the icon to bookmark an item for quick access.

    Note: You can view your bookmarked items by going to the secondary menu and clicking the icon. This will display all of your bookmarked items and provide direct links to each of them.
  3. You can click the link in the deployment field, which opens the details of the vulnerability inside the specific deployment.

    It also displays the assets related to the vulnerability. You can click the icon next to the asset to go to the full details of the asset in the specific deployment.

  4. In the upper right corner, click Previous and Next to navigate between items.
  5. Click the icon to close the dialog box.
  6. Click the configuration issue title to expand its details.
  7. Click Generate Report to open the Configure Report dialog box.

    See Create Configuration Issues Report for more information.