Vulnerabilities Dashboard

Role Availability Read-Only Investigator Analyst Manager

If the dashboard does not contain information and there are not detected vulnerabilities, click Run Authenticated Vulnerability Scan to run a scan to detect asset vulnerabilities. See Running Authenticated Asset Scans.

Vulnerabilities Dashboard

Widgets in the Vulnerabilities Dashboard
Widgets Description
Most Vulnerable Assets List of most vulnerable assets in your environment.
Vulnerabilities by Asset Groups List of most vulnerable asset groups in your environment.
Vulnerabilities by Severity Pie chart displaying, in percentages, the severity of vulnerabilities, which can be Low, High, and Medium. See About Vulnerability Severity.
Top Active Vulnerabilities by Severity List of the top active vulnerabilities by severity. You can see the CVE The CVE system provides a method, using CVE IDs, to reference publicly known information security vulnerability and exposures in publicly released software packages and environments. Identifier, its severity, and the affected assets. See About Vulnerability Severity.
Latest Scan Jobs List of the 5 latest scans run in your environment. It includes the scan date and the number of vulnerabilities found.
Scan Jobs History Graph that displays the total number vulnerability scans on each day in the current month.