Events Created When an Asset Stops Sending Data

Role Availability Read-Only Investigator Analyst Manager

USM Anywhere gives you the option of configuring a threshold after which asset inactivity is a concern. When your environment is not receiving events from an asset within the configured period of time, USM Anywhere generates monitoring events that display in the Events List View page. Since these events are not tied to any USM Anywhere Sensor that you have deployed, you will see a new sensor with the name of your USM Anywhere subdomain listed for these events. USM Anywhere will generate new monitoring events until the asset starts reporting again. You can see two types of monitoring events:

  • Event from asset not received: Event details include the asset name, the total disconnected time, and when the last message was received.

    Warning: Currently, the Event from asset not received event is generated at the same time as the regular event and system event. Soon, this event will be generated only as a system event. See Regular Events and System Events and Orchestration Rule for the "Event from Asset Not Received" System Event for more information.

  • Event from asset received: Event details include the asset name.

    Warning: Monitoring events are generated when your environment is not receiving events from an asset either because the asset is not sending events or because of a filtering rule. If you have a rule that filters events coming from an asset, from the perspective of USM Anywhere that asset is not sending events.

Note: If your sensor is collecting logs using anything other than syslog (like scheduled log scans), your logs may not include enough data to inform these events. To ensure that you are receiving events when your asset stops sending data, ensure that the Reporting Device field is present and populating accurately.

To configure the period of time for a single asset

  1. Go to Environment > Assets.
  2. Next to the asset name whose details you want to review, click the icon.
  3. Select Full Details.
  4. In the upper-left side of the page, set a period of time in the Create Event If Asset Stops Sending Data field by clicking the icon.
    You can select a predefined value between None, 1 hour, 6, 12, 24, or 72 hours, 1 week, or 2 weeks.

    Note: By default, this field is configured to None.

    Important: The Create event if asset stops sending data field is based on the Reporting Device Address field, not the Source field. When a device reports information about its state, the Reporting Device Address field will display the same data as the Source or Destination fields. If the device reports information that is different from its state, for example issues in its network, the Reporting Device Address field will display different information from the Source or Destination fields.

    Details of an asset

  5. Click the icon to set the value.

    The events are displayed in the Events List View page.

To configure the period of time for multiple assets

  1. Go to Environment > Assets.
  2. Select the checkbox of each asset you want to include.
  3. Select Actions > Edit Fields.
  4. At the bottom of the Configure Assets dialog box, set a period of time in the Create Event If Asset Stops Sending Data field by clicking the icon.
    You can select a predefined value between None, 1 hour, 6, 12, 24, 72 hours, 1 week, or 2 weeks.

    Note: By default, this field is configured to None.

    Important: The Create event if asset stops sending data field is based on the Reporting Device Address field, not the Source field. When a device reports information about its state, the Reporting Device Address field will display the same data as the Source or Destination fields. If the device reports information that is different from its state, for example issues in its network, the Reporting Device Address field will display different information from the Source or Destination fields.

  5. Click the icon to set the value.

    The events are displayed in the Events List View page.

To see events created when an asset stops sending data

  1. Go to Activity > Events.
  2. Locate the Event Name filter, and then select the filter Event from Asset Not Received.

    Event Name Filter

  3. The result displays with the filtered events.

  4. Click the event to see its details.