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Search results for "backdoor"

Cyber espionage campaign against the Uyghur community, targeting MacOSX ...

The backdoor also writes a VCard containing the data about the current user. The purpose of this is not clear. Network activity. The attackers are using two different C&C domains: - apple12[.]crabdance[.]com - update[.]googmail[.]org. The domain crabdance[.]com is a well known free Dynamic DNS provider. We have been monitoring the second domain ...

Cybersecurity penetration testing explained: what is pen testing?

Cybersecurity penetration testing is a method of checking for security weaknesses in software and systems by simulating real-world cyber-attacks. Also known colloquially as 'pen tests,' penetration tests probe beyond the scope of automated vulnerability scans. Pen tests find gaps in protection that can arise when unique combinations of ...

Red Team testing explained: what is Red Teaming?

Red Team testing is also known as an Adversary Simulation or simply Red Teaming. During Red Team testing, highly experienced security professionals take on the guise of a real attacker and attempt to breach the organization’s cyber defenses. The attack scenarios they enact are designed to exercise various attack surfaces presented by the ...

Microsoft Office Zeroday used to attack Pakistani targets

Earlier today Microsoft released a security advisory alerting about a new Microsoft Office vulnerability being exploited in the wild. The vulnerability affects Office 2003/2007 and Office 2010 only running on Windows XP/2003. The vulnerability is related to the parsing of TIFF images and…

Malware Hiding Techniques to Watch for: AlienVault Labs

It is injecting some bits of code into a running process. Malware leverages process injection techniques to hide code execution and avoid detection by utilizing known “good” processes such as svchost.exe or explorer.exe. To inject itself into known good processes, malware writers use built-in Windows APIs.

Keeping cybersecurity regulations top of mind for generative AI use

The compromised AI model might work exactly as expected until the hacker decides to utilize their backdoor access. Using generative AI within security regulations. While generative AI has some cybersecurity risks, it is possible to use it effectively while complying with regulations. Like any other digital tool, AI simply requires some ...

Making it Rain - Cryptocurrency Mining Attacks in the Cloud

One of the most widely observed objectives of attacking an organization's cloud infrastructure has been for cryptocurrency mining. Despite recent falls in cryptocurrency prices, mining campaigns continue to plague organizations. Below, we've shared some of the more noteworthy forms of attack where the hackers’ end objective is to use your ...

8 blockchain security issues you are likely to encounter - AT&T

Here are the 8 top highest blockchain security issues and their solutions. 1. Sybil attack. In a Sybil attack, hackers generate various fake network nodes. using those nodes, the hacker will acquire majority consensus and disrupt the chain’s transactions. As a result, a large-scale Sybil assault is nothing quite a 51% attack.

Insider attacks and insider threats in cyber security explained

According to Ponemon Institute’s April 2018 Cost of Insider Threats study, insider threat incidents cost the 159 organizations they surveyed an average of $8.76 million in a year. Malicious insider threats are more expensive than accidental insider threats. Incidents caused by negligent employees or contractors cost an average of $283,281 ...

ZombieBoy - AT&T

64.exe. 64.exe is the first module downloaded by ZombieBoy. 64.exe uses some anti-analysis techniques that are quite formidable. First, the entire executable is encrypted with the packer Themida, making reverse-engineering difficult. Also, in current versions of ZombieBoy, it will detect a VM and subsequently not run.

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