USM Central Connections

To manage a deployment Entire process involved in installation, configuration, startup, and testing of hardware and software in a specific environment., you must connect the deployment within your USM Central instance. You need to initiate the connection from inside the USM Anywhere or USM Appliance environment. Once USM Centralreceives the connection request, you can accept or decline the connection.

Ports and Connectivity

Through USM Central, you can connect multiple instances of USM Anywhere or USM Appliance.

USM Anywhere uses private networking in the cloud. There is no extra port requirement.

The required port for integrating a USM Appliance instance into a USM Central instance is 443, so USM Appliance needs to be able to reach out to the endpoint. For instance, where mymssp-central is the subdomain your LevelBlue Managed Security Service Providers (MSSP The LevelBlue MSSP program is designed for both technically competent partners as well as those who manage a security operations center, offering product related services to the end user.) provides.

Initiate a Deployment Connection

The request for connection initiates from the USM Anywhere or USM Appliance deployment. This creates a connection request that is displayed in the USM Central Deployments page.

See USM Anywhere Connections and USM Appliance Connections for more information.