Vulnerability Scans

Applies to Product: USM Appliance™ LevelBlue OSSIM®

In USM Appliance, you can run vulnerability scans from the following pages:

Note: Threat intelligence update will not finish if any vulnerability scan job is running, because the update needs to refresh the vulnerability threat database used by the scan.

The Environment > Vulnerabilities > Scan Jobs page displays the following sections:

  • Running Scans

    Scan Jobs page with stop and disable functions.

  • Scheduled Jobs

    Scan Jobs page with stop and disable functions.

  • All Scans that have completed, including failed scans

    Scan Jobs page with stop and disable functions.

The following table displays the fields USM Appliance stores for each scan job.

Scan jobs fields
Field Name Description
Status Scan completed or failed.
Job Name Name given to the scan.
Launch Time Date and time the scan launched.
Scan Start Time Date and time the scan started.
Scan End Time Date and time the scan ended.
Scan Time Duration, in minutes, of the completed scan.
Next Scan Time the next scan is scheduled to start.


The following table displays the post-scan actions USM Appliance may undertake.

Possible post-scan actions
Actions Meaning
HTML output icon Displays the results of the report in HTML within the same browser.
PDF output icon Exports the results of the report in a PDF file. The browser, such as Chrome, may open it in a different tab if it recognizes the file extension.
Excel output icon Exports the results of the report in an Excel file.
Export scan to nbe icon Exports the results of the scan job in an NBE file.
(n) Indicates the number of vulnerabilities found on that scan job.
Change scan owner icon Changes the owner of the report and makes the scan job visible for a user or entity.
Rerun scan icon Re-runs the scan job.
Delete icon Deletes the scan job.