Array Networks Secure Access Gateway

When you configure your Array Networks Secure Access Gateway to send log data to USM Appliance, you can use the Array Networks Secure Access Gateway plugin to translate raw log data into normalized events for analysis. The table below provides some basic information for the plugin.

Plugin Information
Device Details
Vendor Array Networks
Device Type Network Access Control
Connection Type Syslog
Data Source Name Array-networks-sag
Data Source ID 1906

Integrating Array Networks Secure Access Gateway

Before you configure the Array Networks Secure Access Gateway integration, you must have the IP Address of the USM Appliance Sensor.

To configure Array Networks Secure Access Gateway to send Syslog messages to USM Appliance

From the Array Networks CLI client, insert the following command:

AN(config)#log host x.x.x.x 514 udp 0 all## Replace x.x.x.x with the USM Appliance Sensor IP Address

where the syntax of the command statement is as follows:

log host <host_ip> [port] [protocol] [host_id] [log_level]

Plugin Enablement

For plugin enablement information, see Enable Plugins.

Additional Resources and Troubleshooting

For troubleshooting, refer to the vendor documentation: