Search Raw Logs

Applies to Product: USM Appliance™ LevelBlue OSSIM®

Raw logs can be searched for further analysis and review. Raw log searches are case-sensitive. You can perform either an indexed query or a raw query using one or more of the tags provided in this section as your search criteria.

  • Indexed queries search the logs that have been indexed by USM Appliance.
  • Raw queries search all logs.

For this reason, the Indexed Query is usually faster than the Raw Query. USM Appliance indexes new raw log entries on an hourly basis.

Search the Raw Logs with Indexed Query or Raw Query

To perform either an indexed or raw query

  1. On the Raw Logs page (Analysis > Raw Logs), type the case-sensitive string into the Search field.

    As soon as you start entering a value in the Search field, USM Appliance displays a list of tags in the following syntax: <tag>=<string>, <tag>!=<string>

    For example

    plugin=SSH, src=, src_port!=80

  2. Click the appropriate tag containing your string.

    Warning: You cannot enter the query as free text.

    Searching the raw logs

    If you use multiple tags, USM Appliance combines them for you and infers use of the AND operator.

    For a list of valid tags, see the Raw Log Search Tags List below.

  1. Click either INDEXED QUERY or RAW QUERY.

    INDEXED QUERY will search all the indexed fields within the logs directory. RAW QUERY will search the entire text logs located in /var/ossim/logs.

    Note: If using the "data" tag, you can only click RAW QUERY, because the "data" tag only searches the non-indexed text.

  2. If you want to create a new query after completing the first one, click the "x" next to the original query to remove it or use the keyboard delete key.
Raw Log Search Tags List
Tag Definition Valid Input Value String
sensor Name of a USM Appliance Sensor or Sensor in the network.

Text string or numeric string

Example: ThatSensor

src Source IP address, hostname, or network to search on.

Text string or numeric string

Example: src=

dst Destination IP address, hostname, or network to search on.

Text string or numeric string

Example: dst=

IP IP address, hostname, or network to search on.

Numeric string

Example: IP=

data Greps across the DATA field constituting the raw text of the log. Can only be used in RAW QUERY search.

Alphanumeric string; special chars allowed.

Example: data=preauth

plugin; datasource Name of plugin or datasource in your network.

Text string

Example: datasource=USM Appliance NIDS-spp_portscan

dsgroup; plugingroup

Name of USM Appliance and user-created groups of datasources.

Note: dsgroup and plugingroup are synonymous.

Text string

Example: dsgroup=get IP request

src_port Source port number (integer) as defined in port table in ossim-db.

Numeric string

Example: src_port=898

dst_port Destination port number (integer) as defined in port table in ossim-db.

Numeric string

Example: dst_prt=898

product_type Device type, based on taxonomy.

Text string

Example: product_type=Authentication and DHCP

category, event_category Event category type as defined in the category and subcategory tables in ossim-db

Text string

Example: category=access-ACL Permit

username User name, based on IDM plugin.

Case-sensitive string

Example: sfukuda

filename Name of any file included in the logs.

Case-sensitive string

Example: survey-031415.txt

entity Predefined user group name, typically, based on organizational structure.

Alphanumeric string; special chars allowed.

Example: Accounting Dept

userdata1 ~ userdata9 Additional data fields for user input.

Case-sensitive string

Options: name, username, file hash, URL, IP, and any data possibly present in a log file.

Special Characters in Search Strings

USM Appliance treats some characters as delimiters while indexing raw log entries, therefore, they cannot be used in an indexed query.

These characters include:











Note: A back slash ('\') or a forward slash ('/') works in both Indexes Query and Raw Query searches.

Save and Run a Query

If you have search queries that are frequently used or important, you can save them to quickly run them again as needed.

To save a query

  1. Perform a search in the search field.
  2. Click Predefined Searches.
  3. In the Select a Predefined to Search popup, give the search a name and click Add.
  4. Click the Diskette icon () to save the query.

To run a saved query

  1. Click Predefined Searches.
  2. In the Select a Predefined to Search popup, select the query name.

To delete a saved query

  1. Click Predefined Searches.
  2. In the Select a Predefined to Search popup, select the query you want to delete and click the Trash icon ().
  3. Click OK to confirm deletion.