USM Appliance Dashboard Configuration

Applies to Product: USM Appliance™ LevelBlue OSSIM®

Within the dashboard view, you can see multiple tabs displaying various visual representations of realtime visual data with its widgets. This is particularly useful for having a quick overview of relevant information and, depending on your needs, it can be further customized to display relevant information to your needs.

The USM Appliance dashboard comes with a set of preconfigured tabs, each with their own set of relevant widgets. These preconfigured tabs cannot be edited, but they can be cloned or hidden. You can create your own tabs with custom widgets or share your custom tabs with other users.

Edit and Customize Tabs

In the default view you see from the DashboardsOverview page, you can click the different tabs to analyze the information from each. You can click and hold the move () icon to drag the widget to a different location on the grid. You can also click the minimize button () to toggle visibility of the widget or hover over the info icon on the right of the same button for more info on the grid.

Dashboard Permissions

To open the tab edit options on the DashboardsOverview page, click the settings icon () to bring up the Dashboard Permissions popup. Here, you can see all of the available tabs, as well as select which tabs are shown on the Overview page, rearrange tabs, and copy tabs to share. Dashboard editing is only available to users with access permissions (see User Authorization for more information).

You can click the Show Default Tabs text below user names to display the available tabs. Click the edit icon () to display tab options for visibility, sharing, and copying the tabs.

Widget Customization

To edit the tabs, add new widgets, and customize widgets, click the edit icon () on the overview page. From this view you will be able to customize your widget and dashboard settings further.

Click the plus icon (+) at the top left of the tabs header to create a new tab. Here you can name the tab and determine how many columns will be in the widget view for that tab.

Click Add Widget to open the Widget Wizard view. Here you can find a number of widget options to create and customize a new widget for your view.

Click on any of the widget types to begin customizing the widget. Depending on the type you select, you will be able to further customize the individual options of the widget, you will also be given the option to designate further what kind of information it conveys and, if applicable, which assets it's conveying information from. For the final customization screen, you can give the widget a title and a help description, as well as define the widget's refresh rate, size, and display type.

To edit or delete a widget you've already added, click the edit or trash icon ().