Prerequisites and Requirements

Applies to Product: USM Appliance™ LevelBlue OSSIM®

The information in this guide is primarily intended for security engineers, security analysts and operators, IT managers and professionals, and system administrators, using USM Appliance to provide network security within their own organization’s environment. Users must also have knowledge of their organization’s network infrastructure and the networking technologies they use.

Recommended skills for users include the following:

  • Basic TCP/IP networking knowledge and skills including IP addressing, DNS, switching, and routing.
  • Basic familiarity with IT security concepts and associated skills, including threats, vulnerabilities, risk management and security devices/applications.
  • Basic Linux skills, including the use of the command line interface for file and user management, and text editing (using tools such as vi/vim and nano).

Information provided in this guide assumes a customer has completed installation and configuration of LevelBlue USM Appliance as described in USM Appliance Initial Setup. In addition, users of this guide need the appropriate credentials to access USM Appliance, a web browser (to access the USM Appliance web UI through HTTPS), and SSH access (for operations performed from the USM Appliance command line).

USM Appliance supports the following browsers.

Supported Browsers



Mac OS X Linux
Chrome Yes Yes Yes
Edge Yes N/A N/A
Firefox Yes Yes Yes
Internet Explorer 11 Yes N/A N/A
Safari N/A Yes N/A

Note: All USM Appliance releases are tested on the most recent version of the browsers and one version prior to the most recent.