Global Properties

Applies to Product: USM Appliance™ LevelBlue OSSIM®

Each correlation directive has the following global properties

Global properties for correlation directives




A unique identifier for the directive. It becomes the Event Type ID when a directive event is created.

Note: The ID of a directive is not displayed in the web interface.

Name A meaningful name for the directive. It becomes the name of the directive event or the alarm.
Intent, Strategy, Method Describe what the correlation directive tries to detect. These properties help categorize directive events according to the LevelBlue USM Appliance Taxonomy.
Priority Defines the impact of the detected attack. USM Appliance uses it in the risk calculation of a directive event. All events generated by the directive have their priority set to the priority value of the directive.

The following screen shot gives you an example of the global properties of a directive:

Example screehshot of global properties for a directive.