Disabling a VPN Configuration

Applies to Product: USM Appliance™ LevelBlue OSSIM®

When you disable a VPN tunnel, it does not remove the configuration files and system-generated certificates from the appliance. You can enable the same tunnel again, if needed.

If you decide instead to establish a new VPN tunnel on the same LevelBlue appliance, repeat the procedures. The system then overwrites the existing configurations.

You can disable a VPN configuration from either the VPN server or a VPN client.

To disable a VPN configuration

  1. Connect to the LevelBlue Console through SSH and use your credentials to log in.

    The LevelBlue Setup menu displays.

  2. Select System Preferences.
  3. Select Configure Network.
  4. Select Setup VPN.
  5. Select Enable/Disable VPN.
  6. Use the arrow keys to move to "no", press the spacebar to select, and then press Enter (<OK>).

  7. Press <Back> until you are on the LevelBlue Setup menu again. Select Apply all Changes.
  8. Press <Yes> to confirm.

    USM Appliance applies the changes and restarts all the services, which may take several minutes.