Configure a VPN Between USM Appliance Systems

Applies to Product: USM Appliance™ LevelBlue OSSIM®

To set up a VPN between two USM Appliance components, for example, between a USM Appliance All-in-One and a USM Appliance Sensor, or between a USM Appliance Server and a USM Appliance Logger, you need to configure through the LevelBlue Setup menu, on the System Preferences > Configure Network > Setup VPN screen:

AlienVault Setup menu > System Preferences > Configure Network > Setup VPN

Note: You must have completed the USM Appliance registration to see the VPN-related configuration options in the LevelBlue Setup menu.

If setting up VPN in USM Appliance version 5.0 or earlier, you first enable VPN, then configure the VPN server.

If setting up VPN in USM Appliance version 5.1 or later, these tasks are reversed, with the VPN server configuration first, then VPN enablement.