Event Keys

Role Availability Read-Only Investigator Analyst Manager

The following is a list of all the event keys with a definition of their function and the type of the key.


Event Key Definition Type
Access Control Outcome Outcome from Access Control String
Access Key ID The access key ID String
Account ID The account ID that generated the event String
Account Name The account name that generated the event String
Account Vendor Vendor name of the account ID owner String
Action Token jti The action token's jti String
Ad-hoc Query ID ID of the ad-hoc query String
Affected Family Software family affected by the current CPE String
Affected Platform The platform (Linux, Mac OSX, Windows) affected by an IDS event String
Affected Platforms Software Platforms affected by the current CPE String
Affected Products Software Products affected by the current CPE String
Agent UUID The unique ID for agent event String
Alarm Connector IDs Connector IDs in the alarm String
Alarm Connector Sources Connector Sources in the alarm String
Alarm Destination Asset IDs CSV of alarm destination asset IDs String Array
Alarm Destination Blacklist Activity CVS of Observed activities of the IP addresses to cause it to be put into OTX String Array
Alarm Destination Cities CSV of alarm destination cities String Array
Alarm Destination Countries CSV of alarm destination countries String Array
Alarm Destination Hostnames Array of alarm destination hostnames String Array
Alarm Destination IPs Array of alarm destination IPs String Array
Alarm Destination Latitudes CSV of alarm destination latitudes String Array
Alarm Destination Longitudes CSV of alarm destination longitudes String Array
Alarm Destination Names Array with the destinations names of an alarm String Array
Alarm Destination Organisations CSV of alarm destination organisations String Array
Alarm Destination User Account IDs Array of alarm destination user account IDs String Array
Alarm Destination User IDs Array of alarm destination user IDs String Array
Alarm Destination Users Array of alarm destination users String Array
Alarm Destination Zones CSV of alarm destination zones String Array
Alarm Destinations Array with the destinations of an alarm String Array
Alarm Events Count Total number of events in an alarm Long
Alarm ID The ID associated with the alarm String
Alarm Labels Array with the alarm labels IDs String Array
Alarm Response Codes Array of alarm response codes String Array
Alarm Sensor Sources Array of the sensor sources which originate the alarm String Array
Alarm Source Asset IDS CSV of alarm source asset IDs String Array
Alarm Source Blacklist Activity CVS of observed activities of the IP addresses to cause it to be put into OTX String Array
Alarm Source Cities CSV of alarm source cities String Array
Alarm Source Countries CSV of alarm source countries String Array
Alarm Source Hostnames Array of alarm source hostnames String Array
Alarm Source IPS Array of alarm source IPs String Array
Alarm Source Latitudes CSV of alarm source latitudes String Array
Alarm Source Longitudes CSV of alarm source longitudes String Array
Alarm Source Names Array of the unique sources names for an alarm String Array
Alarm Source Organisations CSV of alarm source organisations String Array
Alarm Source User Account IDS Array of alarm source user account ids String Array
Alarm Source User IDS Array of alarm source user ids String Array
Alarm Source Users Array of alarm source users String Array
Alarm Source Zones CSV of alarm source zones String Array
Alarm Sources Array of the unique sources for an alarm String Array
Analysis Account ID The ID of the user account String
Analysis Account Name The name of the user account String
Analysis Account Status The status of the user account String Array
Analysis Account Type The type of user account String
Analysis Account User Name The user name associated with the user account String
Analysis User ID The ID of the user String
Analysis User Name The name of the user String
Analysis User Status The status of the user String
App Execution Parameters The application execution parameters String
App ID The ID of the App which generated this event String
App Name The Name of the App which generated this event String
App Type The App type which generated this event String
Application Protocol Layer-7 protocol observed in the event (eg SSH, FTP, SNMP) String
Application Type Application type String
Application Application name String
Asset Group ID The ID of the Asset Group in AssetDB String
Asset Status Asset Status String
Asset Tag Asset metadata name String
Asset Tag Value Asset metadata value String
Assumed Role Assumed role from AWS CloudTrail events String
Audit Reason The reason an audit event was generated String
Authentication Mode Authentication Mode String
Authentication Package Name The name of the authentication package used String
Authentication Type The method used be the user to authenticate, such as RSA Key, Password, Domain Credentials String

Event Key Definition Type
Base Event Count A count associated with how many times was this same event observed Integer
Blacklist Name The name listed on the blacklist String
Blacklist Reference URL The referencing URL from the blacklist URL
Blacklist Violating IP The IP registered to the blacklist IP
Bytes in The number of bytes in a HTTP request Long
Bytes out he number of bytes in a HTTP response Long

Event Key Definition Type
Case Numbers Array of case numbers String Array
Category ID The id of the taxonomy of the event String
Certificate Issuer Name The issuer name of the certificate String
Certificate Serial Number The serial number of the certificate String
Certificate Subject Name The subject name of the certificate String
Changed Client The ID of the client that was modified String
Confidence Confidence level Integer
Connection Count Number of incoming connections Long
Connector ID The ID of the connector that generated the event String
Connector Source File The source file of the connector that generated the event String
Connector Source The source of the connector that generated the event String
Console Login The outcome of a AWS console login try String
Consumer Consumer of the event String
Container CMD Container CMD String
Container CPU Container CPU String
Container ID The ID of the container String
Container Image The image name used to launch the container String
Container Image ID The id of the image used to launch the container String
Container Memory Container Memory String
Container Name The name of the container String
Container Security Context Container security context String
Container State The state of the container String
Container Volume Container volume String
Contains Credit Card Number The event contains credit card numbers Boolean
Content Category Category of the content is being inspected as part of the connection For example in a Content Filtering or Proxy device String
Control ID The Control Node ID which will process this event String
Current PPS Number of current packets per second (PPS) Integer
Current Working Directory The Current Working Directory (CWD) referenced in the event String

Event Key Definition Type
Datascience Anomaly Score The score (0-1, floating point) indicating how anomalous the event is. The closer to 1, the more anomalous Double
Datascience Inference Explanation A JSON string representing the explanation map/dictionary of the prediction/inference String
Datascience Inference Type A string representing the type of inference done on the event. For example, Anomalous Login Time String
Datascience Inference Value Data Type A string representing the data type of the value of inference result. For example, integer, float, categorical, etc. String
Datascience Inference Value A string representing the value of inference result--something human understandable and able to write rules against String
Destination Account ID Destination user account in the event String
Destination Account Name Destination Account name where the event was generated String
Destination Account Destination Account where the event was generated String
Destination This is compared against several known formats to extract relevant data. For example, <hostname>:<port>:<zone>, etc. Network Info
Destination Additional Hostnames Destination additional hostnames String Array
Destination Address Destination IP Address IP
Destination Address 6 Destination IP Address in v6 format String
Destination ASN Destination ASN String
Destination Asset ID CSV of alarm destination asset IDs String Array
Destination Blacklist Activity CVS of observed activities of the IP addresses to cause it to be put into OTX String Array
Destination Blacklist Priority OTX priority String
Destination Blacklist Reliability OTX reliability String
Destination canonical Canonical Destination String
Destination City Destination City String
Destination Country Destination Country String
Destination CPE Destination CPE String
Destination Datacenter Destination data center String
Destination Datastore Destination data store String
Destination DNS Domain The DNS domain part of the complete fully qualified domain name String
Destination FQDN Destination FQDN String
Destination Hostname Destination hostname String
Destination Infrastructure Name Destination Infrastructure Name String
Destination Infrastructure Type Destination Infrastructure Type String
Destination Instance ID Instance ID for destination device String
Destination Latitude Destinations Latitude String
Destination Location ID This is an internal field used to associate this event with a particular location String
Destination Location Name This is an internal field used to associate this event with a particular location String
Destination Longitude Destinations Longitude String
Destination MAC Destination MAC Address MAC
Destination MAC Vendor Destination MAC Vendor String
Destination Name Destination Name String
Destination NAT Address Destination NAT IP Address IP
Destination NAT Port Destination NAT Port Integer
Destination Netmask Destination IP Address mask IP
Destination Network Destination network String
Destination NT domain Destination Windows Domain String
Destination Organisation Destinations Organisation String
Destination Port Label Destination Port Label String
Destination Port Destination Port Port
Destination Post NAT Address Destination address for the event message after NAT occurred IP
Destination Post NAT Port Port number of the event destination after NAT Integer
Destination Pre NAT Address Destination address for the event message before NAT IP
Destination Pre NAT Port Port number of the event destination before NAT Integer
Destination Process Destination Process Name String
Destination Process ID Destination Process ID String
Destination Process User Destination Process User String
Destination Region Destinations Region String
Destination Registered Country Destination Registered Country String
Destination Service Name The service which is targeted by this event String
Destination Translated Address Identifies the translated destination address that the event refers to in an IP network IP
Destination Translated Port Port after it was translated Integer
Destination User Email Destinations User email String
Destination User Group The destination user group String
Destination User ID Destination user in the system String
Destination User Privileges Destinations Users privileges String
Destination UserID Destinations Users numeric ID String
Destination Username Destinations User name String
Destination VGuest Destination virtual guest String
Destination VHost Destination virtual host String
Destination VPC Destination VPC String
Destinations VPN Destinations VPN String
Destination Workstation Destinations workstation name String
Destination Zone Destinations Zone (DMZ Office Outside) String
Destinations List of destination asset IDs String Array
Device Class The Device Class listed in the system String
Device Configuration Configuration scheme/type set in a device String
Device Custom Date 1-2 There are two timestamps fields available which can be used to map fields which do not fit any other field of this dictionary String
Device Custom Date 1-2 Label All custom fields have a corresponding label field where the field itself can be described String
Device Custom Number 1-3 There are three number fields available which can be used to map fields which do not fit into any other field of this dictionary Integer
Device Custom Number 1-3 Label All custom fields have a corresponding label field where the field itself can be described String
Device Direction Any information about what direction the communication that was observed has taken String
Device DNS Domain The DNS domain part of the complete fully qualified domain name String
Device Event Category Represents the category assigned by the originating device String
Device External ID A name that uniquely identifies the device generating this event String
Device Facility The facility generating this event String
Device Inbound Interface Interface on which the packet or data entered the device String
Device Name The Device Name listed in the system String
Device NT Domain Device Windows Domain String
Device Outbound Interface Interface on which the packet or data left the device String
Device Process Name Process name associated to the event String
Device Sender Address Device sender address IP
Device Sender Asset ID Asset ID for device sender String
Device Time Format Format of the timestamp attached to this event String
Device Translated Address Identifies the translated device address that the event refers to in an IP network IP
Device Vendor The device vendor String
DNS Message DNS response message String
DNS Rcode DNS return message Integer
DNS RR Name The DNS Request/Response Resource Name String
DNS RR Type The DNS Resource Type String
DNS Server Address The address of the DNS server referenced in the event String
DNS TTL The DNS Time to Live String
DNS Type The DNS Type (Query / Answer) String
Duration The duration of the connection String

Event Key Definition Type
Email Recipient The Email recipient Email
Email Relay The relay the email was delivered through String
Email Sender The Email sender Email
Email Subject The subject of the email String
Entity Category The zone category of incident that is being reported String
Environment Variable Key The Environment Variable key referenced in the event String
Environment Variable Value The Environment Variable value referenced in the event String
Error Code The error code for a HTTP response String
Error Message The error message for a response String
Event Action The implied action of the event - Create Read Update Delete String
Event Activity The activity related to an event In an IDS event this would be the activity being detected String
Event Attack ID The ID associated with an event reporting an attack String
Event Attack Tactic The attack tactic type associated with an event reporting an attack String
Event Attack Technique The attack technique associated with an event reporting an attack String
Event Auth Action Action of the authorization event String
Event Auth Role Role of the authorization event String
Event Auth Scope Scope of the authorization event String
Event Category The taxonomy of the event String
Event Change The event change/action made by the user String
Event CVE Contains information about the CVE associated with an event as an example an IDS signature String
Event Description URL The URL for full description of the event String
Event Description Full description of the event String
Event Group Event Grouping that this event belongs to String
Event Group Job ID When this group has been created from a job, the job ID String
Event Group Type Define which kind of event group is String
Event Name The short user-readable description of the event String
Event Outcome Displays the outcome, generally "success" or "failure" String
Event Priority The priority of the event String
Event Receipt Time The time at which the event related to the activity was received Date
Event Ref Date When the issue was first published String
Event Ref ID Event reference ID (CVE, etc) String
Event Ref IDS Event reference IDs (CVE, OSVDB, etc) String Array
Event Ref Score Score for the Issue (CVSS) String
Event Ref Score V2 Score V2 for the Issue (CVSS) String
Event Ref Score V3 Score V3 for the Issue (CVSS) String
Event Ref Source Issue Reference Source (CVE etc) String
Event Ref Version Issue Reference Source Version (CVE etc) String
Event Severity The severity of the event String
Event Subcategory The sub-taxonomy of the event String
Event Type The event type String
Event Violation The culprit String
Events Alarm events summary String
Expires Event expires Boolean
External ID An ID used by the originating device String

Event Key Definition Type
File Create Time The timestamp of when the file was created String
File Hash The hash of the file String
File Hash Algorithm The algorithm used to produce the file hash - SH256 MD5 etc String
File Hash Md5 The MD5 of the file String
File Hash Sha1 The SHA1 of the file String
File Hash Sha256 The SHA256 of the file String
File ID The Operating System ID of the file String
File KB Size The size in kilobytes of the file String
File Modification Time The last modification time of a file String
File Name The short name of a file String
File Old Create Time The previous creation time String
File Old Hash_algorithm The algorithm used to produce the file hash String
File Old Hash The previous file hash String
File Old ID The previous ID of the file String
File Old Modification Time The previous modification time of the file String
File Old Name The previous short file name String
File Old Owner Old file owner String
File Old Path The previous full path of the file String
File Old Permission The previous old permissions of the file String
File Old Size The previous size of the file String
File Old Type The previous type of the file String
File Owner The current owner of a file String
File Path Full path of the file String
File Permission The OS permissions of the file String
File Type The type of the file String
Full Message A long message String

Event Key Definition Type
Gateway Gateway IP addres IP
Global List Name Name of the Global List String
Global List Value Value from the list String
Group Policy Group Policy that the event refers to, for example a Active Directory Group Policy String

Event Key Definition Type
Has Alarm If this event is used by an alarm Boolean
Highlight Fields Array of important fields String Array
HTML Link A specified HTML link address URL
HTML Snippet A specified HTML link snippet String
HTML Title A specified HTML link title String
HTTP Hostname The hostname present in a HTTP connection String
HTTP Referrer The HTTP referrer in a HTTP request String

Event Key Definition Type
Identity Group Name Group name associated with the identity source address to further identify the identity event with Group name resolution String
Identity Host Name Host name information associated with the identity source address to further identify the true hostname tied to an event String
Identity MAC MAC associated with the identity source address to further identify the identity event with MAC resolution String
Identity NetBIOS NetBIOS name associated with the identity source address to further identify the identity event with NetBIOS name resolution String
Identity Source Address IPv4 or IPv6 address that can connect an event with a true user identify or true computer identity IP
In Alarms Array of alarms to which the event belongs String Array
Incident ID ID provided by the event source String
Instance IDs An array of the instance IDs for the instances being terminated String Array
Instance Types An array of the instance types for the instances being started String Array
IOCs Array with the matched Indicators of Compromise String Array
IP Addresses List of IP Addresses String Array

Event Key Definition Type
k8s DNS Policy K8S DNS Policy String
k8s Node Name K8S Node Name String
k8s Priority K8S Priority String

Event Key Definition Type
Last Updated When this item was last updated String
Legacy Absolute Legacy Key: Absolute String
Legacy Application Legacy Key: Application String
Legacy Binary Data Legacy Key: Binary Data String
Legacy Condition Legacy Key: Condition String
Legacy CPU Legacy Key: CPU String
Legacy CTX Legacy Key: CTX String
Legacy Date Legacy Key: Date String
Legacy Device Legacy Key: Device String
Legacy Domain Legacy Key: Domain String
Legacy DST IP Legacy Key: Destination IP String
Legacy DST Port Legacy Key: Destination Port String
Legacy Event ID Legacy Key: Event ID String
Legacy Event Type Legacy Key: Event Type String
Legacy Extra Data Legacy Key: Extra Data String
Legacy FDdate Legacy Key: FDate String
Legacy Filename Legacy Key: Filename String
Legacy From Legacy Key: From String
Legacy GzipData Legacy Key: GzipData String
Legacy HIDS Event Type Legacy Key: HIDS event type String
Legacy Host Legacy Key: host String
Legacy Hostname "Legacy Key: hostname String
Legacy Interface Legacy Key: interface String
Legacy Interval Legacy Key: interval String
Legacy Inventory Source Legacy inventory source String
Legacy IP Legacy Key: IP String
Legacy IPv Legacy Key: IPv String
Legacy Log Legacy Key: log String
Legacy Login Legacy Key: login String
Legacy MAC Legacy Key: MAC String
Legacy Mail Legacy Key: Mail String
Legacy Memory Legacy Key: Memory String
Legacy Occurrences Legacy Key: Occurrences String
Legacy Organization Legacy Key: Organization String
Legacy OS Legacy Key: OS String
Legacy Password Legacy Key: Password String
Legacy Plugin ID Legacy Key: Plugin ID String
Legacy Plugin SID Legacy Key: Plugin SID String
Legacy Port From Legacy Key: Port From String
Legacy Port To Legacy Key: Port To String
Legacy Port Legacy Key: Port String
Legacy Priority Legacy Key: Priority String
Legacy Protocol Legacy Key: Protocol String
Legacy Reliability Legacy Key:Reliability String
Legacy Sensor ID Legacy Key:Sensor ID String
Legacy Sensor Legacy Key:Sensor String
Legacy Service Legacy Key:Service String
Legacy Snort CID Legacy Key: Snort CID String
Legacy Snort SID Legacy Key: Snort SID String
Legacy Software Legacy Key: Software String
Legacy SRC IP Legacy Key: Source IP String
Legacy SRC Port Legacy Key: Source Port String
Legacy State Legacy Key: State String
Legacy Target Legacy Key: Target String
Legacy To Legacy Key: To String
Legacy Type Legacy Key: Type String
Legacy Unziplen Legacy Key: Unzip Length String
Legacy UserData Legacy Key: UserData String
Legacy Value Legacy Key: Value String
Legacy Vendor Legacy Key: Vendor String
Legacy Video Legacy Key: Video String
Level The standard syslog level Long
Log File The Log File String
Log The raw log used to generate this event String

Event Key Definition Type
Malware Family Malware Family String
Malware Variant Virus or Malware Variant String
Matched Value The value that was matched for the enrichment metadata String
Mute Alarm Mute alarm String

Event Key Definition Type
Needs Enrichment If the event needs to be enriched Boolean
Needs Internal Enrichment If the event needs to be enriched with internal fields Boolean
New Basic Constraints New Basic Constraints String
New Certificate New Certificate String
New IP New IP String
New Issuer New Issuer String
New Subject New Subject String
New Value The new value in the field, after it was modified String
Num Containers Number of Containers String

Event Key Definition Type
Object ID The ID of the Object in AssetDB String
Object Type The object type of the source (if applies) String
Old Basic Constraints Old basic constraints String
Old Certificate Old certificate String
Old IP Old IP IP
Old issue Old issue String
Old NS Old NS String
Old subject Old subject String
Operating System Operating System String
OTX activities OTX activities String

Event Key Definition Type
Package Architecture The architecture of the package String
Package Name The name of the package String
Package Revision The revision of the package String
Package Source The source of the package String
Package Version The version of the package String
Packet Data The binary packet data of the event String Array
Packet Payload Packet payload information from Network IDS String
Packet Type What type of packet this is String
Packets Received The number of packets received Integer
Packets Sent The number of packets sent Integer
Patch Reference ID Patch reference id (Oval rule, etc) String
Patch Vulnerability Reference List List of reference ID's (CVE, etc) for the patch event String Array
Peak PPS Packets per second (PPS) peak value Integer
Pefile Company The company field on a PE32 executable file String
Pefile Description he description field on a PE32 executable file String
Pefile Fileversion The fileversion field on a PE32 executable file String
Pefile Product The product field on a PE32 executable file String
Plugin Device Type The type of the device this plugin was made for String
Plugin Device Version The version of the device this plugin was made for String
Plugin Device Plugin Device String
Plugin Family Plugin Family String
Plugin Parent Parent which was used to normalize event String
Plugin Rule Plugin Rule String
Plugin Vendor The vendor of the device this plugin was made for String
Plugin Version Plugin Version String
Plugin Plugin used to normalize event String
Policy Policy that the event refers to, for example a Firewall or Content Filtering Policy String
Policy Address Address referenced on a db policy firewall rule etc String
Policy Interface Network Interface referenced on a db policy firewall rule etc String
Policy Mac Mac address referenced on a db policy firewall rule etc String
Pre_authentication Type The method used be the user to pre-authenticate, RSA Key, Password, Domain Credentials String
Previous Value The value present in the field, before it was modified String
Priority Label Priority label of Alarm String
Priority Priority of Alarm String
Project ID Project ID String
Protocol Version Version of the current protocol String

Event Key Definition Type
Realm Realm where the user roles and permissions apply String
Received From Source this event was received from String
Registry Path The registry path String
Registry Value The registry value String
Relative Distinguished Name The name of the authentication package used String
Reporting Device Canonical Reporting Device Canonical Name String
Reporting Device Address Reporting device address IP
Rep Device Address 6 Reporting device address version 6 String
Rep Device Asset ID Instance ID for reporting device String
Rep Device FQDN Reporting device FQDN String
Reporting Device Hostname Reporting device hostname String
Reporting Device Inbound Interface The network interface receiving the traffic generating the event on the reporting device String
Reporting Device Instance ID Instance ID for the reporting device String
Rep Device Location ID This is an internal field used to associate this event with a particular location String
Rep Device Location Name This is an internal field used to associate this event with a particular location String
Reporting Device MAC Reporting device MAC MAC
Reporting Device Model The model of the reporting device String
Reporting Device Outbound Interface The network interface passing through the traffic generating the event on the reporting device String
Reporting Device Rule ID The ID of the rule used by the reporting device to generate this event (ie firewall rule, CVE, IDS rule String
Reporting Device Type The device type of the reporting device String
Reporting Device Vendor The vendor of the reporting device String
Reporting Device Version The version of the reporting device String
Report Executed Category The category of the report String
Report Executed Database Index The database index to get the report String
Report Executed Database The database in which the report has been executed String
Report Executed Date When the report was executed Date
Report Executed Format The format we use to run the save the report String
Report Executed Key The executed report's key String
Report Executed Parameters The parameters used to run the query String
Report Executed Query The query executed to fill the report String
Report Executed rsql Query The rsql query executed to fill the report String
Report Executed State The search state String
Report Executed User User who run the report String
Report Executed UUID The executed report's uuid. Unique identifier String
Reputation Score Risk or reputation score for a host String
Request Content Type The content type for the request String
Request Cookies The cookies passed in a HTTP request String
Request HTTP Version HTTP version for the request String
Request Method The HTTP request method - OPTIONS, GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, DELETE, TRACE, CONNECT String
Request Referrer Referrer for the request String
Request URL The URL reference in a HTTP request String
Request User Agent User agent for the request String
Resource Provider Provider of resource String
Resource URI URI representing a resource uniquely String
Response Code The response code for the request Integer
Response Content Type HTTP response content type String
Return Value Return value String
Role Role or roles of the user in the organization String
Rule Attack ID Correlation Rule Attack ID String
Rule Attack Tactic Array of Correlation Rule Attack Tactics String Array
Rule Attack Technique Correlation Rule Attack Technique String
Rule Dictionary Rule Dictionary String
Rule ID Correlation Rule ID String
Rule Intent Alarm Intent String
Rule Method Alarm Method String
Rule Name Correlation Rule Name String
Rule Strategy Alarm Strategy String
Rule UUID Rule ID which triggered event String

Event Key Definition Type
S3 Notification S3 notification String
Scheduled Task ID The ID of the Scheduled task String
Searched Site Site searched String
Security Group ID Security Group ID String
Security Group Name Security Group Name String
Sensor App Action The Sensor App Action Called String
Sensor Event Rate The value of the sensor event rate Double
Sensor Name The name of the sensor that received this event String
Sensor UUID The UUID of the sensor that received this event String
Session Session Identifier String
Shared Resource Name The name of the shared resource String
Short Message A short descriptive message String
Silent Silent alarm Boolean
Source Account ID Source user account in the event String
Source Account Name Source account name where the event was generated String
Source Account Source Account where the event was generated String
Source Additional Hostnames Source additional hostnames String Array
Source Address Source IP Address IP
Source Address 6 Source IP Address in v6 format String
Source ASN Source ASN String
Source Asset ID This is an internal field used to associate this event with a particular asset String
Source Blacklist Activity Observed activity of the IP address to cause it to be put into OTX String
Source Blacklist Priority OTX priority String
Source Blacklist Reliability OTX reliability String
Source Canonical Canonical Source String
Source City Source City String
Source Country Source Country String
Source CPE Source CPE String
Source Datacenter Source data center String
Source Datastore Source data store String
Source DNS Domain The DNS domain part of the complete fully qualified domain name String
Source FQDN Source FQDN String
Source Hostname Source hostname String
Source Infrastructure Name Source Infrastructure Name String
Source Infrastructure Type Source Infrastructure Type String
Source Instance ID Instance ID for source device String
Source Latitude Source Latitude String
Source Location ID This is an internal field used to associate this event with a particular location String
Source Location Name This is an internal field used to associate this event with a particular location String
Source Longitude Source Longitude String
Source MAC Source MAC Address MAC
Source MAC Vendor Source MAC Vendor String
Source Name Source Name String
Source NAT Address Source NAT IP Address IP
Source NAT Port Source NAT Port Integer
Source Netmask Source IP Address mask IP
Source Network Source network String
Source NT Domain Source Windows Domain String
Source Organisation Source Organisation String
Source Port Label Source Port Label String
Source Port Source Port Port
Source Post Nat Address Source address for the event message after NAT occurred IP
Source Post Nat Port Port number of the event source after NAT Integer
Source Pre Nat Address Source address for the event message before NAT IP
Source Pre Nat Port Port number of the event source before NAT Integer
Source Process Source Process name String
Source Process Command Line The Process Command line String
Source Process ID Source Process ID String
Source Process Parent The Process Parent String
Source Process Parent Commandline The Parent Command Line String
Source Process Parent Process ID The Parent Process ID String
Source Process User Source Process User String
Source Region Source Region String
Source Registered Country Source Registered Country String
Source Service Name The service which is responsible for generating this event String
Source Translated Address Identifies the translated source address that the event refers to in an IP network IP
Source Translated Port Port after it was translated Integer
Source User Email Domain Source user email domain String
Source User Email Source user email String
Source User Group The source user group String
Source User ID Source user in the system String
Source User Privileges Source Users privileges String
Source User ID Source User ID String
Source Username Source username String
Source Vguest Source virtual guest String
Source Vhost Source virtual host String
Source VPC Source VPC String
Source VPN Source VPN String
Source Workstation Source Workstation String
Source Zone Source Zone String
Source Source - This is compared against several known formats to extract relevant data e.g. <hostname>:<port>:<zone> etc. Network Info
Sources List of source asset IDs String Array
SSH Authorized Key The SSH authorized key String
SSH Client Proto Identifies the SSH client protocol String
SSH Client Software Identifies the SSH client software String
SSH Server Proto Identifies the SSH server protocol String
SSH Server Software Identifies the SSH server software String
SSH Server Version Identifies the SSH server version String
Stat Name The name of the stat that has exceeded its threshold String
Stat Value The value of the stat that has exceeded its threshold Integer
Subcategory ID The ID of the sub-taxonomy of the event String
Suppress Rule ID ID of the rule that suppressed this log String
Suppress Rule Name Name of the rule that suppressed this log String
Suppressed If event is suppressed String
Syslog Source The source channel a syslog-ng event came from String
System Event Type The system event type generated String

Event Key Definition Type
Tag The syslog tag (the data found before the [] after the timestamp) String
Threat Intelligence Feed Name Array with the  name of the feeds that the pulse has matched String Array
Threat Intelligence Matched Metadata Array with tuples of metadata String Array
Ticket Encryption Type The ticket encryption type used String
Time End The ending time of the event, such as a file download Date
Time Offset The time offset the event occurred in String
Time Start The starting time of the event, such as a file download Date
Time Zone The timezone the event occurred in String
Timestamp Arrived The approximated time that the event arrived to the customer control node Date
Timestamp End Process end timestamp Date
Timestamp Occurred The time that the event occurred - will be set by default if not populated Date
Timestamp Received When the event was received by the system Date
Timestamp Start Process start timestamp Date
Timestamp The approximated time that the event is sent from the control node to hot storage Date
TLS Cipher The cipher algorithm used for this TLS connection String
TLS Fingerprint Identifies the SHA1 fingerprint of the certificate String
TLS IssuerDN Identifies the issuer DN of certificate String
TLS SNI Identifies the server name indication sent by a client String
TLS Subject Identifies the subject of the TLS protocol String
TLS Version Identifies the version of TLS protocol String
Total Disconnection Time Total time the monitored asset has stopped sending data String
Total Packets The total number of packets transmitted Integer
Transaction Status Transaction status String
Transient Is the event transient Boolean
Transport Protocol Layer-4 protocol observed in the event (e.g. TCP, UDP) String
TTY Terminal The TTY referenced in the event String

Event Key Definition Type
Used Hint If a hint was used to find the plugin Boolean
User Group ID Group ID that is associated with the user account String
User Policy Policy associated with the user account String
User Realm Portal name associated with the event String
User Resource Type User Resource Type String
User Resource Resource associated with the user account String
User Role Role type associated with the user account that created the event String
User Type The type of user account. Example: Local, special, etc. String
UUID The unique ID for this Event String

Event Key Definition Type
Virtual Source Address IP address of the virtual event source IP
Virtual Source Name Name of the virtual event source String

Event Key Definition Type
Was Fuzzied If fuzzied parser was used to generate the event Boolean
Was Guessed If we brute forced the plugin Boolean
was_legacy Legacy Key: Was Legacy String
watchlist Array with matched watchlists Array
Wireless Access Point The access point of the wireless network String
Wireless BSSID The BSSID of the wireless network String
Wireless Channel The channel of the wireless network String
Wireless Encryption The encryption mechanism used by the wireless network String
Wireless SSID The SSID of the wireless network String
WMI Class WMI Class String
WMI Consumer WMI Consumer String
WMI Filter WMI Filter String
WMI Path WMI Path String

Event Key Definition Type
Yara Signature Yara Signatures String Array