VMware Dashboard

Role Availability Read-Only Investigator Analyst Manager

Depending on the USM Anywhere Sensor you have installed, the widgets might be visible in the VMware dashboard. This dashboard displays data when the VMware application programming interface (API) data source has been configured.

The VMware Dasboard

Widgets in the VMware Dashboard
Widgets Description
Top Events List of top events detected by VMware.
Events by Data Center Pie chart displaying, in percentages, the VMware events by data center.
Events by Resource List of VMware events by resource.
Logins by Country List of logins detected by VMware by country.
User Activity Pie chart displaying, in percentages, the VMware user by activity.
Top Denied Users List of top denied users by VMware.
VMware Assets Total number of VMware assets with alarms and total number of VMware assets.
VMs by OS List of VMware assets by operating system (OS).
VMware Assets with Alarms List of VMware assets with the number of detected alarms.