Office 365 OneDrive Dashboard

Role Availability Read-Only Investigator Analyst Manager

Depending on the USM Anywhere Sensor you have installed, the widgets might be visible in the Microsoft OneDrive dashboard. This dashboard displays a summary of the events originating from the OneDrive logs, so your environment must have configured the Microsoft SharePoint data source and the OneDrive application. See BlueApp for Office 365 for more information.

Office 365 OneDrive Dashboard

Widgets in the Office 365 OneDrive Dashboard
Widgets Description
Top Events List of top events detected by Office 365 OneDrive .
Resource Type Pie chart displaying, in percentages the type of resource in Office 365 OneDrive.
File Types Pie chart displaying, in percentages the type of files in Office 365 OneDrive.
Activity Graph that displays the activity in Office 365 OneDrive by periods of time.
Top User Agents List of the top 5 user agents used by Office 365 OneDrive.
User Activity List of the 5 users that have more activity in Office 365 OneDrive.