Google Cloud Platform Dashboard

Role Availability Read-Only Investigator Analyst Manager

Depending on the USM Anywhere Sensor you have installed, the widgets might be visible in the Google Cloud Platform dashboard. This dashboard displays data when the Google Cloud Audit data source has been configured.

Google Cloud Platform Dashboard

Widgets in Google Cloud Platform Dashboard
Widgets Description
Messages by Source List of the top sources receiving the most messages.
Activity by Project Pie chart displaying, in percentages, the top projects with the most activity.
Unauthorized Activity List of the unauthorized activity.
Top Users List of the top users.
Top Actions Pie chart displaying the top actions in Google Cloud Platform.
Asset Instances by Type List of assets An IP-addressable host, including but not limited to network devices, virtual servers, and physical servers. instances ordered by type.
Messages by Outcome Pie chart displaying, in percentages, the outcome for access control, which can be Allow or Deny.
Asset States List of the state of the assets and the total number at each asset.
Asset Information Total number of assets having vulnerabilities A known issue or weakness in a system, procedure, internal control, software package, or hardware that could be used to compromise security., configuration issues An identified configuration of deployed software or features of software that is in use, which is known to be insecure., and alarms Alarms provide notification of an event or sequence of events that require attention or investigation..
Asset Instances by Region Total number of assets instances by region.