Cisco Umbrella Dashboard

Role Availability Read-Only Investigator Analyst Manager

This option is visible if there are Cisco Umbrella events. See BlueApp for Cisco Umbrella for more information.

Cisco Umbrella Dashboard

Widgets in Cisco Umbrella Dashboard
Widgets Description
Events By Action Pie chart displaying, in percentages, the events detected by action.
Top Blocked Categories Pie chart displaying, in percentages, the top blocked categories.
Number Of Events By Identity Pie chart displaying, in percentages, the number of events by identity.
Top Domains List of the top 5 popular domains in order of popularity.
Top Categories List of the top 5 content categories on Cisco Umbrella.
Top Blocked Domains List of the top 5 domains blocked by Cisco Umbrella.
Top Blocked Identities List of the top 5 identities blocked by Cisco Umbrella.
Blocked Activity Sankey diagram which displays the blocked activity detected by Cisco Umbrella.