Forward NXLog Messages Directly to a USM Anywhere Sensor

The simplest method to receive NXLog messages is to install NXLog Community Edition (CE) on each Microsoft Windows host and configure it to forward messages to the USM Anywhere Sensor. In the event of a sensor disconnect, NXLog messages are cached locally and will be forwarded when the connection resumes.

To install NXLog and create your configuration file

  1. On your Windows host, download and install the latest version of NXLog.

    Note: The NXLog Community Edition is open source and free of charge. But to use the File Integrity Monitoring plugin, you must download and install the NXLog Enterprise Edition instead. See vendor documentation for more information.

  2. Make a backup copy of the original file and give it another name. Depending on the version, this file can be C:\Program Files (x86)\nxlog\conf\nxlog.conf (32-bit) or C:\Program Files\nxlog\conf\nxlog.conf (64-bit).
  3. Log in to USM Anywhere and go to Settings > System.
  4. In the left navigation panel, click NXLog Configuration to open the page.

    By default, USM Anywhere displays all the plugins available for the 32-bit Windows system.

    NXLog Configuration main screen

  5. Select the desired Windows system and the plugin (or plugins) to collect NXLogs. You don't need to select any plugin to collect default Windows Logs or Sysmon logs.

    Note: Plugins with asterisk require additional configuration on the Windows host. See Enable Logging in Vendor Software for details.

  6. Select the protocol you want to use.

  7. Enter the IP address of your USM Anywhere Sensor.
  8. Click Create File to generate the new nxlog.conf file and save it to the \nxlog\conf\ directory on your machine.
  9. Open Windows Services and restart the NXLog service.
  10. In USM Anywhere, verify that you are receiving NXLog events.

If you decide not to use NXLog after the installation, you can uninstall the program using the Add or Remove Programs feature in the Windows Control Panel, or see How to Uninstall NXLog for detailed instructions from the vendor.


If you want to limit the events collected and sent to USM Anywhere, you can download the patterndb file provided by LevelBlue and place it in the \nxlog\conf\ directory on your machine. Follow the procedure above to download the NXLog configuration file and select the PatternDB plugin.

Important: Windows Event IDs not present in patterndb.xml are not forwarded. Excluding events not relevant to security helps improve the overall performance of the plugin. Consequently, some correlation rules may not be triggered because they rely on those events.

Microsoft Sysmon

System Monitor (Sysmon) is a Windows system service and device driver that remains resident across system reboots to monitor and log system activity to the Windows Event Log. It provides detailed information about process creations, network connections, and changes to file creation time. Sysmon is a free Windows Sysinternals tool from Microsoft. Using NXLog, you can send Sysmon logs to USM Anywhere for event correlation.

To collect Sysmon logs

  1. Download the NXLog configuration file from USM Anywhere. You do not need to select any plugin for Sysmon.
  2. Open the NXLog configuration file, look for the <Input eventlog> tag and add this line under <QueryList>:

    <Select Path="Microsoft-Windows-Sysmon/Operational">*</Select>\

    With the line added, it should look like this example:

    <Input eventlog>

    Module im_msvistalog

    Query <QueryList>\

    <Query Id="0">\

    <Select Path="Application">*</Select>\

    <Select Path="System">*</Select>\

    <Select Path="Security">*</Select>\

    <Select Path="Microsoft-Windows-Sysmon/Operational">*</Select>\




  3. Save the file.
  4. Open Windows Services and restart the NXLog service.
  5. In USM Anywhere, verify that you are receiving Sysmon events.

Enable Logging in Vendor Software

Some of the vendor plugins need to be configured to enable logging so that USM Anywhere can receive the logs. If you are using any of the plugins below, follow the described integration process to initiate system logging for the plugin.

Manual File Creation and Installation Process

If you are unable to create the nxlog.conf file using the process above, or if you wish to edit it manually, you can use the manual process instead.

To install NXLog CE and configure forwarding

  1. Download the latest stable version of NXLog.

    Note: The NXLog Community Edition is open source and free of charge. But to use the File Integrity Monitoring plugin, you must download and install the NXLog Enterprise Edition instead. See vendor documentation for more information.

  2. Make a backup copy of the original file, C:\Program Files (x86)\nxlog\conf\nxlog.conf (32-bit) or C:\Program Files\nxlog\conf\nxlog.conf (64-bit), and give it another name.
  3. Download the NXLog configuration for USM Anywhere and save it as your new nxlog.conf file.
  4. Open the configuration file for editing and replace usmsensoriphere with the IP address of the USM Anywhere Sensor.

    USM Anywhere listens for syslog at UDP port 514, TCP port 601, or TLS/TCP port 6514.

  5. Depending on the protocol you decide to use, edit the configuration file as detailed below. Make sure USM Anywhere allows inbound requests to the corresponding port.

  6. Some sections in the nxlog.conf file have been commented out to improve performance. Depending on which product you want to collect logs from, you need to uncomment the corresponding section or sections.
  7. Save the file.
  8. Open Windows Services and restart the NXLog service.
  9. Log in to USM Anywhere and verify that you are receiving NXLog events.

Note: If you need to debug NXLog, open \nxlog\data\nxlog.log.