Sensor System Menu

Network Configuration

You can view your network configuration through the USM Anywhere Sensor console, allowing you to diagnose your network issues and set a static management IP address.

To set a static management IP address

  1. Open your virtualization management console and connect to the USM Anywhere Sensor virtual machine (VM).

    Important: Alternatively, you can open an SSH session to the sensor VM. When using an SSH session, the default username is sysadmin.

    If you are accessing a Microsoft Azure Sensor through SSH and you specified a username other than the default (sysadmin) for your SSH access, you must use the following commands at the command line to "sudo up" and access the sensor console:

    # sudo su – sysadmin

  2. From the USM Anywhere Sensor console System menu, select Network Configuration and press Enter.
  3. System Menu > Network Configuration

  4. From the Network Configuration menu, select View Network Configuration and press Enter.
  5. System Menu > Network Configuration > View Network Configuration

  6. The system displays the View Network Configuration screen, press Enter.
  7. Select Set a Static Management IP Address and press Enter.
  8. Enter the IP address and press Enter.
  9. Enter the netmask and press Enter.
  10. When a summary of your changes displays, review them for accuracy. Press Enter if they are accurate, or select No to edit your entries.
  11. When your changes have been applied the system will display a message saying 'Changes applied'. Press Enter.
  12. After the system displays a notice to configure your USM Anywhere Sensor, press Enter.

To see other options of the Network Configuration menu

  1. From the USM Anywhere Sensor console System menu, select Network Configuration and press Enter.
  2. System Menu > Network Configuration

  3. From the Network Configuration menu, select Configure Management Interface and press Enter.
  4. The management interface is the primary IP address used to connect to a sensor node. The user sets this IP when the sensor node virtual image is created. This value doesn't change unless, after created, you set it with Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP). LevelBlue recommends that all sensors are configured with a static IP address and that you not change the value.

    System Menu > Network Configuration > View Network Configuration

  5. Go back to the Network Configuration menu, select Configure DNS, and press Enter.
  6. This option displays the current Domain Name System (DNS) server settings for the sensor. Use this option to modify them. You can specify a primary and secondary DNS server.

  7. Go back to the Network Configuration menu, select Configure Proxy, and press Enter. This is for an HTTP port 80 proxy. LevelBlue recommends not to create one.
  8. Go back to the Network Configuration menu, select Configure ERSPAN Interface, and press Enter.
  9. See Configure USM Anywhere to Receive ERSPAN Traffic for more information.

System Configuration

This option enables you to configure the sensor keyboard layout and the sensor working time zone.


The Maintenance menu includes several useful options that enable you to perform debug and research of the sensor node.


This option does a reboot and restart action on the sensor node.


This option performs a graceful shutdown of the sensor node image.


This option displays the current running sensor version. It should match the version running on the Control Node. If not, this can cause side effects on how the sensor node interacts with the control node.

Exiting the Sensor UI View

When all activity is completed, exit from the UI by selecting the Exit option from the main screen. This logs off users from the sensor node.